#94 "Cheating is not a Big Deal" (part5)

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I, Yoon Jeonghan, has fell in love with my girlfriend after a month of dating her.

"You're cute. Let's date."


Our relationship started when I asked her out one day and she agreed right away. I am a person who enjoys short time relationships. Thus, when I thought of dating (y/n) just because she's cute, I expected that we won't last. People call me cheater but nah, I don't think so. I never cheat while dating someone, but I do date another person quickly after recent break up.

Being with someone for a long time is boring, that's what I believe. Therefore, I always seek for excitement in every woman I date. Dark past? Trauma? Family affairs? Some might assume I experienced at least one of those for me to end up this way. But actually, I'm just a simple guy with humble background and normal household. It's just a bonus that I was blessed with good looks. Anyway, to make it short; I date for enjoyment.

But like as they said, Life is full of Karma.

"I'm sorry, I am late again," I said to my girllfriend, (Y/n).

That wasn't the first time I got late in my appointment with her, and even with my past women. Maybe because I was not really sincere. However, unlike them, (Y/n) reacted differently.

"It's okay."

It's okay. Whatever I've done, she never gets mad. Therefore, I decided to date her for few more days due of my curiosity.

"My baby, I love you," I lied.

(Y/n) looked straight at me and answered, "Thanks."

Naturally, whenever I said this to other, they'll reply, 'I love you too~' But again, she exceed my expectation. As the day goes by, I realized this: '(Y/n) doesn't like me at all.'

So I asked myself what could be the reason she's with me. (Y/n) once said that she likes my handsome face, but her expression that time didn't show any hint of being attracted. When I kissed her, she doesn't look happy even if she never declined. It was as if she's seeing me not because she likes me, she seek enjoyment or she's bored.

It's more like she's doing this because she has too... That it is her responsibility.

Therefore, to regain my falling ego, I did my everything to make her fall deeply for me.

"Oh? You have something on your lips," I said before I gently wiped her lips.

(Y/n) stared at me and replied, "You too." She leaned closer and wiped mine using a tissue.

During my first seducing plan, I had a guess that it'll fail the moment I felt my heart skipped a beat when she wiped my lips. It wasn't daring, actually. But her gentleness, her calmness and her innocent touch got me.

The next time...

"I forgot my umbrella," I pouted my lips. We were both standing in front of the library while watching the heavy rain poured from the grayish sky. "Should we use yours together?" I put my arm around her shoulder.

"You don't like it when you get wet from rain, right?" she checked.

"Of course!" I answered. "So, let's stick closely... I mean super duper close so I won't get we..."

"You can use mine," (Y/n) said after putting her umbrella on my hands.


"I can share with my other friend later. Besides, I'm wearing jacket." Then she suddenly ran under the rain before I could stop her.

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