#05 "Second Betrayal"

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On year 1920, when Korea was under Japanese colonization, Moon Junhui and his girlfriend (Y/n) was arrested for being part of Korean independence movement. They were detained at the Cheonan Japanese Military Police Station then transferred to the Gongju Police Station prison.

During the time of imprisonment, 7,500 died at the hands of the Japanese authorities because of horrific tortures. There were some with fingernails were torn out, nose and ears were ripped apart, and legs and arms were crushed.

The independence second leader, Junhui dedicated his life for his country. And no matter how the Japanese authorities tortured him, he wouldn't tell the name of their leader- Seo Myungho. However, on March 11, 1922, the Japanese soldier brought (Y/n) in a room.

"No! Not her! Please! Not her!" Junhui shouted while he's tied in a chair; blood spurting from his lips and his left eyes were soggy from countless strokes.

"Anata ga koe o agenakereba, watashitachi wa kanojo o kizutsukemasu! (If you don't speak up, we wil hurt her!)" the Japanese soldier threatened.

"Kawarini watashi o kizutsukemasu! Onegaishimasu! (Hurt me instead! Please!)" Junhui begged. He was trying his best to get out from the chair.

One of Japanese inhumane torture was assaulting women, impregnating them and then dissecting them alive. If (Y/n) will die that day, she'll miss the trial the day tomorrow and won't ever get out from prison. But if Junhui will save her, they'll kill him in instant.

"Yare!" the Japanese soldier said, telling his subordinate to rape her in front of Jun. But before they could, Junhui finally spoke.

"Seo Myungho! Seo Myungho!" he shouted.

Before they were imprisoned, Junhui and (Y/n) made a promise: "That no matter what happened to them, they will never betrayed their country." But love betrayed that promise.

In the verge of dying, Junhui made a wish: "If (Y/n) and I will born again, please never let us betray someone for the sake of our love."

February 26, 2022, two couples are having a dinner inside the restaurant.

"I'm busy at work. Why can't you understand it?" Minghao is quarreling with his girlfriend while sitting across her.

"I know. But it feels like you are dating your works instead of me," (Y/n), his girlfriend complained.

"You know, you're narrow-minded. I'm outta here." Sighing, Minghao stood up and walked out the restaurant, WITHOUT PAYING THEIR MEALS.

On the other table, another couple is having a quarrel.

"I never cheat," Kleni defended to her boyfriend, Jun.

"Oh yeah," Jun rolled his eyes. "So who's that jerk? Who the hell hugged you in public?"

"I told you already! He is my friend!" Kleni stood up then picked up her bag. "If you don't believe me, then fine!" She walked away without turning her back.

Sitting back to back, (Y/n) and Jun fetched a sigh while leaning their backs.

"I heard your conversation with your boyfriend, miss. He's awful," Jun suddenly talked to her.

"But your girlfriend is the worst. It's obvious that she's cheating behind you back," (Y/n) replied.

Slowly, the two faced each other.

"I'm Jun by the way."

"(Y/n)," she greeted.

"You're cute," he complimented.

"No. You're cuter," she chuckled.

"I was born with this," he said in confidence.

In the middle of awkward setting, Jun and (Y/n) laughed together.

"Why are we dating awful people like them?" Junhui sighed.

"I don't know," she shrugged. "Maybe, we're just unlucky peeps who fell in love with someone who'll hurt us. But no matter how bad they are, we always tried our best to stick with him. Because we love them. That's all."

"Then, why don't we let them experience the same feelings we have?" Jun suggested.


Offering his hand, Jun added with a smile, "Let's date."


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