3: The Date

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Third POV

After the announcement, there was an uproar of media coverage and public comment. Most of the fanbase was supportive, but there was also a lot of expected hate that emerged. Unfortunately, it was a little more than anyone expected. ARMYs and supporters of the couple did their best to overthrow the hateful comments but they couldn't overthrow everything. The news channels and newspapers had a field day with the information; some being in support of the couple, and others throwing hate and direct towards them.

-----Important A/N

(I just want to say, and I stated this briefly back in the first book, but please be respectful to everyone no matter who they are and what they believe. People can love who they love and there is no problem with it. Love is not one thing, it is a feeling that evolves and surfaces through many instances. Whether it is loving someone of the same gender or not, you as a person should not get in the way of that love; unless there is a danger or toxicity within the relationship.

Also for everyone who is a supporter of LGBTQ+ you don't have to be hateful to people who have opposing views. There will always be someone who has a different opinion; but, if you yell at that person and throw disrespect, even if you have good intentions, you are being almost, if not just as bad as the homophobes that comment mean things just to be mean or gain attention.

Now I am straight myself, but a very strong supporter, so I know that I can't fully understand and comprehend the type of hate that is directed at the LGBTQ+ community, nor the feelings that manifest because of the hate. But that doesn't mean I won't listen. If you need someone to talk to that will just listen and offer their best support and don't want to go to a family member or therapist, you can message me on my profile conversations. Though I recommend getting professional help. This is advised to anyone who suffers mental problems as well.)


Bakugo POV

"Stupid extras," I huffed out. Currently, I was laying on the bed in the apartment that I had with Izu. We moved in together after graduating high school. We didn't want to buy a massive house because it was only the two of us and we were really busy often so we would have time to enjoy the luxuries of a mansion. But we do really like our apartment, it is pretty big, but not too big that it is wasteful of space. We have a large wall that we can put awards and pictures on and a nice loft for our half office and bed.

Izuku still lives at his dorm plex sometimes since it is like his second home but when both of us have a break at the same time, he lives here with me

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Izuku still lives at his dorm plex sometimes since it is like his second home but when both of us have a break at the same time, he lives here with me. It's nice.

Anyway, I'm laying in bed starring through the window in a frustrated mood. I've done my best to distract Izuku from the news and circulating hate but the damn extras that like to stir up trouble are being very annoying. The other members, along with Big Hits, are also doing a pretty good job of hiding the stuff from the nerd. So far we all believe that he hasn't seen any of it, he is in a really good and happy mood so we all hope to Kami that nothing gets through our barriers.

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