8: ARMY's Surprise

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The next morning

Bakugou POV

I woke up one of the best ways possible: Izuku curled up on my chest and the smell of delicious food wafting through the air. I sat up, careful not to wake up Izu, and looked around the room. Shitty Hair was still sleeping on the couch across the room and Hiroshi was hugging the arm of an awake Daisuke, who was currently scrolling through his phone.

Hearing noises coming from the kitchen, and smelling delicious food, I decided to investigate. I carefully lifted Izuku, as I got into a standing position, before laying him back onto the couch. He shifted slightly at the angle change; and I held my breath, hoping he wouldn't wake up. He eventually settled and let out a comfortable sigh.

I stood back up and walked into the kitchen. When entering I saw Makoto cooking, Ryo working on some paperwork, Susumu playing a game on his phone, and Kenta half-asleep with his head on the counter. I was slightly surprised that they were all up until I looked at my phone, which said 10:48 AM.

Getting the attention of the cook, Makoto greeted me with a "Good Morning" to which I greeted back with the same. I sat down at the last open barstool while watching Makoto cook, enjoying the peaceful nature that graced the morning. Eventually, Shitty Hair woke up and after grabbing a quick bite to eat he said he had to get going. He left telling me to tell Izuku that he had fun and to congratulate him on becoming the 'manly age' of 20.

Another 20 minutes passed and we were all chatting and enjoying the morning. That is until we heard a yell from the living room. "HOLY SHIT!" Daisuke yelled jumping up from his place on the air mattress; causing a just woken Hiroshi to fall off it. "HYUNG! BAKUGOU!" The yell got each of us going. We didn't know what was happening but it got our attention.

We ran into the living room to see Daisuke fiddling with the remote and Hiroshi looking a little disoriented and on the ground. Susumu goes to help him up while Daisuke is yelling his head off, "SOMEONE GET THIS DAMN TV ON NOW! IT'S CRAZY! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! HOW DID THEY DO THIS!" Makoto goes to calm him down while Ryo takes the remote and turn on the TV to a random channel. "What happened Daisuke?! Why does the TV have to be on?" Makoto asks him. "Turn the news on and find out!"

Ryo switches channels and when he finally gets to the news channel we all stare the screen in shock.

"Breaking News: Currently all around the world, in more than 10 different countries, there is a global pride parade being held. The cause? South Korean boy group member Izuku Midoriya. Recently Midoriya had come out in public to be dating South Korea's #3 Pro Hero, Ground Zero. The relationship received major backlash from fans and social media. Over the past month Midoriya's Label, his group members, his loyal fans, and even Ground Zero himself, have been standing up to the masses in support of the young idol. We have been told that this global pride parade is infact a birthday gift to the young idol from the groups own fanbase, ARMY."

On the screen they showed pictures and videos of the global parade:

On the screen they showed pictures and videos of the global parade:

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As I watched the videos I could hear the BTS fanchant and the playing of iconic BTS songs. Certain parts of the video you could hear that Izukus songs and song covers were specifically chosen. As the TV continued, images with locations kept poping up; London, Seoul, Los Angeles, Paris, Moscow, Brazil, etc. We all stood in awe.

I turned my gaze towards Izuku, only to see that he was awake and staring at the screen in shock, with tears falling. "Izu.." I call out calmly, walking over to him and giving him a tight hug. He didn't say anything. He just hugged back like his life depended on it. His quiet tears turned into sobbs. But they were sobbs that I knew were not in sadness. No, the tears Izuku was shedding were of happiness, relief, and support.

My lovely boyfriend finally came to terms with what we have been trying to get him to see for the past month. He finally saw all the love that people around the world had for him; and, for us. Izuku had locked himself away with the negativity, never allowing himself to breath and see the light. The members and I had failed in our attempts to rescue Izuku from himself and his inner demons, but ARMY, ARMY was able to save him. ARMY gave back all the love that they had been given and increased it ten-fold. Deep down, I was a little upset that I could save Izuku in his darkest moments. But, beside that guilt, I think I knew all along that it would be ARMY who had the power to save Izuku.

With that in mind, I could be happier. At the moment I didn't care who saved who. I was just happy that Izuku was happy again.


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