14: 'Idol or My Doll'

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Third POV

Katsuki didn't know what he was doing. For the past week, he had been invested in the case of his missing boyfriend. He would be out looking for him, but Kirishima and the rest of the bakusquad had banned him from going out patroling for more than 3 hours a day. He had to appreciate their concern for him, but he couldn't handle simply sitting at home with nothing to do. If he was home, he would start thinking about Izuku. Kirishima had taken to staying with him for the time being because just being in the apartment by himself could send Katsuki into a fit of tears and sometimes a panic attack. Katsuki had sworn to find his love, but every turn taken or lead found ended with a dead end.

Some days were worse than others. Sometimes Katsuki would wake up and turn to Izuku's empty place in the bed. He would reach over to embrace his beloved, only to be hugged back by air. On those days, Katsuki could barely get out of bed. He would be lost in thought for hours, and all Kirishima could do to calm him was to put one of Izuku's sweatshirts on him. With the loss of Izuku, the people close to both Katsuki and Izuku could genuinely see how devoted Katsuki was to Izuku and how lost he was without him.

Katsuki POV

I was jumping rooftops and patroling alleyways for any shady figures. Izuku's case is at another standstill. It's making me pissed the fuck off that people won't let me look for Izuku as much as I can. I understand their concern but like what the fuck. Izuku is out there with villains who are doing kami knows what. And why is that? Because they want to get back at me. It was my fault he was taken. So I have to be the one to get him back.

I was mid-jump when I got a call from the officer working on Izuku's case, "What's up, Officer Tuski?" "You might want to get to the station quick. We got a video from Shigiraki. It's about Izuku." I stood on the roof with an aura that radiated the heat of my anger. "I'm on my way," I said flatly. Hanging up, I dropped from the roof to the street below and took off toward the police station. In my boiling anger, my explosions were even more powerful, propelling me faster.

I made it to the station in 15 minutes. When I entered, the man at the front desk looked up. He stood as I walked up. Not even waiting for me to ask, he told me to follow him to the investigation room. When we got there, all the officers were stationed around a computer screen. I made my way up to the front, and after a moment, everyone was waiting for me to press play on the video. I did so and felt my stomach drop.When the video started, Shigiraki was sitting in a chair centered on the screen. "Ah, beloved police force and heroes of our lovely society. I welcome you to enjoy this video that I have so graciously composed. But I would assume that none of you actually will." Shigiraki smirked, causing me to growl. "As you know, we have a very important person in our grasp. If I'm right, Ground Zero should also be watching this. Welcome to the game, current #2" I growled again."You know, other than killing, chaos, and destruction, one of my favorite past times is playing games. Would you like to play on with me, Ground Zero? If not now, I'm sure you will after I explain the rules and objective." He started laughing hysterically, and I tightened my fists. I wished I had a quirk that let me pass through technology because then I'd go through the screen and fucking beat his ass until bloody. I took a breath when I realized sparks were starting to come off my fists.

"So to get to the point, this game is called 'Idol or My Doll.' Clever, isn't it? Anyway, your objective is to, by the end of this week, find the beloved idol Izuku Midoriya. Fail to do so, and I win. If I win, then he becomes mine for the rest of his life, however long that is." Shigiraki had a glint in his eye that just emphasized his underlying meaning that Izuku probably wouldn't last long. I was outraged. This wasn't just about me anymore; Izuku's life was in danger.

"So, there are 3 ways to end this game. One, simply you find and save Izuku in the time permitted. Two, Ground Zero takes his place. Three, I have placed a ransom of 10 million dollars on our dear Izuku's head. Pay up, and he will be returned; however, there's no saying in what state." Shigiraki went off into a fit of laughter once again. "The rules section of this game I made easy. It's only 2 rules. If you get the idol before the weeks up, you have secured the safety of his life; and only Ground Zero is allowed to come to save him. It's a straightforward game and should be no problem for a room of pros and police. As that is all I have to say, I will be signing off." He looks past the screen for a second before standing and walking up to the camera. He picks it up, and instead of turning it off as I expected, he turns it around. The sight takes my breath away.

Deku is tied to a chair, obviously unconscious. His head has fallen forward as he leans forward, slackly against the bindings. SHigiraki walked back on screen, taking a stance behind Deku. He wraps his arms around Deku's chest and brushes a finger against his cheek. Looking back to the camera and smirking, he says, "We'll be waiting for you."

With that, the video ends, and the screen is frozen on the image of Shigiraki and Izuku. It felt like my heart would beat out of my fucking chest, and I could feel bile come up my throat. I held back on throwing up and took a shaky breath to calm myself. In a rough and half-composed voice, I began to situate people. "Creati and Inegenium, you two are the best at analysis, so help the police investigate the video and try to find a hint as to where they are. Hawks, Shoto, and Earphone Jack, go patrol the Westside. Uravity, Chargebolt, and Pinky go patrol the Southside. Tsukuyomi and Anima patrol East while Red Riot and Cellophane will join me on the Northside. We have a week to find Izuku, and we can't fail." No one questioned me and nodded in affirmation of their jobs. I left the room as individual plans and discussions began to arise.

I walked quickly to the bathroom to catch my breath. Getting to the sink, I gripped the edge with shaking hands. I took deep breaths to calm my nerves. "Bakubro?" I looked up at the mirror to see Shitty Hair behind me. He walked up to me and put a comforting arm around me. "Hey, we'll find him. Don't worry. Midobro is strong. He'll pull through." He said with a smile. I looked at his reassuring smile and almost broke into tears, "I can't do this, Shitty Hair. It's too much. He could be hurt or panicking, and I can't do anything! I'm terrified that either we won't find him on time or he won't be alive if we do find him-" My voice cracked as tears started falling. "I can't live without him, Eijiro!" He pulled me into a hug and comforted me, whispering reassurances in my ear.

After a while, I pulled myself together, adopting my rough exterior once more. "Thanks, Shitty Hair," "No problem Bakubro," he said with a smile that I returned. We left the bathroom and entered the lobby, where the patrol groups were going over final details before heading out. Shitty Hair, and I grabbed Tape Face and headed out. The only thought in my head was that I would get the love of my life back or die trying.


1370 words

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