17: I'm Here Love

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A/N I have decided to change my update to Saturdays instead of Fridays.

Izuku POV

My legs and arms have gone numb. The ropes that are binding me to this chair are so constricting that it feels like I can breathe. My body is in pain, my mind is so clouded, and my soul is so tired. I feel like I could sleep for a year, but I can go to sleep. If I go to sleep Shigiraki will get mad. If he gets mad something bad will happen. I'm so scared. I can't take it. It's too much. I just want this to be over. I don't know how long I've been here or what day it is. The hours run together and the sessions seem to be constant.

Shigiraki has taken to torturing me himself instead of leaving it to Toga and Dabi because of a previous instance where they accidentally struck my cheek and made it bleed. Shigiraki was extremely pissed and screamed at them for causing imperfection to my still untouched face. After that instance, he came back to me and apologized for my imperfection. But the apology struck me. Usually, an apology was sorrowful but caring; however, this apology was creepy and uncomfortable. Over the time that I've been here, Shigiraki has treated me like a prized possession that is his trophy. I am merely something to be idolized and shown off.

I stared at my lap as I sat in the silence of the room. my legs were still bleeding with the little cuts that Shirigraki had given me. The cuts and small burns from Toga and Dabu seem to have started to heal but they were still red and as Kaachan would say, hurt like a bitch. I miss Kaachan, and my hyungs, and ARMY, and my friends. I just miss my life before this. I just want my normal back, but that probably isn't the case now. I'm broken now because of the torture. I'm ugly now because of the scars. I'm weak now because of the restraints. I'm unlovable now because of my imperfections.

I flinch and raise my head slightly as I hear the door open. I watch, terrified, as Shigiraki walks through the door. "Good morning, Izuku!" he greeted all too gleeful. "Isn't today wonderful! It's Saturday and the last day of our super fun game with your lovely Ground Zero!" With a fit of shock and strength, my head lifted all the way up to look at the villain before me in the eyes. He smirked at my expression, one that I would presume to be one of shock and terror. "After. today, you will be all mine. Mine to do with however I please." At this, a shiver ran up my spine and I shook. But a fit of bravery also emerged.

"Kaachan will save me before the day is over," I glared at Shigiraki. "Hmm, what a lovely look of bravery, but I don't like it. You're meant to be the meek and submissive player of this game. Also, there has been no sighting of your beloved Kaachan around these parts for the last week. Instead, he and his fellow pros have been through all of the old warehouses and condemned sites. How foolish to think so lowly of our intelligence." He tsked at the thought. I sat there as a silent tension drifted between us. Shigiraki, probably fed up with the attitude I seemed to gain overnight, dismissed me and turned to leave me alone to my own pain again. However, I still had an instinct of fight that I had gained from Kaachan. It may be too late for Kaachan to save me but I would go without a fight.

"Your pitiful." At this Shigiraki seemed to spin around so fast I thought he would fall over. "What!" He seemed to growl out. "Kaachan WILL save me. He WILL defeat you. And he WILL put your sorry pedophile and villainess ass in jail." As I said that the rage that Shigiraki seemed to release caused part of me to wish to take my words back, but a bigger part to stand my ground. "YOU LITTLE BRAT! I'VE BEEN NICE, BUT NOW YOU WILL REALLY FEEL PAIN. YOU WILL WISH YOU NEVER UTTERED THOSE WORDS AND YOU WILL BE PRAYING AND BEGGING FOR ME TO SPARE YOU!" Shigiraki screamed as he came closer and pulled my head up, to face him, by the tufts of my hair.

"TOGA! DABI!" He called out for them. A few minutes later they both appeared in the doorway. Shigiraki released my hair with a slight push so that my back harshly made contact with the chair. "Do as you wish with him," He sneered. " He needs to learn his place. Don't kill him but make him suffer." With that, he walked out of the room and the two younger villains took his place in front of Izuku. "Omg Izuku! This will be so bloody and excitingly fun!" Toga cheered. I felt the pit in my stomach drop and at the first contact of skin and blade I let out a cry of pain.

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