13: Lost Without the Youngest

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A/N The next 3 chapters will all take place in the same time frame, just in different POVs.

I just want to say sorry for not updating I had meant to update a few weeks ago but school has started to become overwhelming and I was not in a good head space. But I'm doing better now and I'll get the next chapter out as soon as I type it up.


Third POV

When a significant event happens, especially when it's tragic, everyone has their own way of copping. When the members of BTS lost their youngest, they were no different. Izuku was a meaningful connection within the group, and without him, the others didn't know what to do. They were all copping differently and grieving in their own minds. They knew they couldn't help in the search, which caused them to stress and worry more. They wanted to help and be part of the search, but they knew they couldn't. One, they didn't have the licenses. Two, they didn't have the experience or expertise to be helpful. So, they stayed and waited.

1 week later

Ryo had confined himself to his room. He was emerged into learning anything he could. Any subject, any language, anything to distract himself. Every few hours, he would find himself researching old kidnappings or looking into police reports. On occasion, he would even start looking into Shigiraki and LOV. When Ryo's emotions became too much, and he couldn't focus on reading, he would start writing. Writing lyrics had always been an outlet for Ryo and now was no different.

Ryo would call Sejin at least twice a day for any updates on the case. The usual answer was "no," but every so often, there would be an answer of, "We've narrowed the location." It wasn't the answer Ryo was looking for, but at least it wasn't "no." When forced out of the house to get some sunlight by Makoto, he would go on hikes to clear his mind. It helped but not much. Ryo would constantly beat himself up about the kidnapping. He was supposed to protect the younger members and ensure everything was alright. He was supposed to be smart. Had an intelligence quirk, for god's sake! How could he not tell something was wrong after he never got a text from Izuku saying he was at the apartment! Izuku never misses a chance to let them know he was safe, but Ryo had to be an idiot and not even connect the problems! If he had thought something was wrong earlier, maybe the police and heroes on the case would have more information by now! Perhaps if he was a better leader, a better hyung, Izuku wouldn't be missing and in trouble.


In the week after Izuku went missing, Kenta had not come out of his studio. He had the door locked and only left to use the bathroom or take a shower. If he slept, it was on his couch. If he needed food, Makoto would bring it to him. If he needed a distraction, he would work. He would simply stare off into space at times, his thoughts overwhelming him. He could barely stomach the food Makoto would bring him, but he would eat it all because he knew Izuku would berate him and annoy him if he didn't. Izuku. He missed Izuku.

He was often criticized for appearing too cold and heartless, always bored, and not wanting to socialize; but he wasn't. He had emotions; he had feelings; he just had a hard time expressing and sharing them with others. That's probably why Makoto hasn't bugged him too much to leave his studio. He knows Kenta is copping like the rest of them. Kenta wouldn't say he is an active cryer, not like Izuku or Hiroshi, but over the past week, Kenta has broken down in tears and multiple occasions. He would be working and the stop of a second lost in thought, only to realize his kitten cheeks are wet and he is crying. In the darkness of the studio, alone and in tears, Kenta would curl up in a ball and wish for Izuku to be back and wish he was in Izuku's place instead.


Susumu and Daisuke were usually the happy pills of the group. They kept the smiles and laughter. But then Izuku went missing. Izuku was their balance. He would pull either of them to the side and just hug them. He wouldn't say anything. Nothing needed to be said; he had gotten his message across. The two would break down in his arm and tell him their problems, and he would listen. It always made them laugh afterward because they could see Izuku had become like Makoto, who would do the same with them. While Izuku didn't speak soft reassurances or brush through their hair like Makoto, he still sat there and comforted them. But now, one of the comforters was gone. Susumu and Daisuke didn't know how to deal with it, so they used practicing as a distraction.

For hours on end, the two would dance, only taking breaks when they were so sore that they couldn't stand. Every few hours, Makoto had to drag them out of the practice room and up to the kitchen to eat something. They were never hungry, but they ate anyway just so Makoto wasn't upset. They knew they were overworking themselves, but practicing was their only distraction, anything else, and they would lose focus and start crying. They didn't want to accept that Izuku was gone, and whenever they thought about him, they ended with the truth making them in the fact that yes, Izuku was gone. He was with the villains and not at home with them.


Hiroshi was a panicked mess. He would follow Makoto everywhere or sit in the practice room and watch Susumu and Daisuke. When Makoto forced him outside, he couldn't go until another member was with him, usually going with Ryo on his forced hikes. He couldn't bear to be somewhere without someone else close by. Usually, he would follow Makoto around or sit in the living room and watch TV while Makoto was in the kitchen or somewhere close. Hiroshi brought his dog over from his parents' house and used him as an anchor when Makoto had to leave him by himself for a little while. Hiroshi constantly had tears falling and would keep a packet of tissues with him to blow his nose. He even found himself dressing in Izuku's style of baggy and comfortable clothing. Hiroshi couldn't help his sorrows and anxiety. He lost his grandmother only a few years ago, he had almost lost the group when they almost disbanded, and now he lost Izuku to the villains. He couldn't handle any more losses. He wouldn't risk it.


Makoto was tired. He's been nonstop for the past week. He never gave himself time to grieve or cry about Izuku ending up missing. He couldn't. He had to take care of the others. He couldn't let them starve themselves or overwork themselves. It wasn't healthy. He would tell himself and them that when Izuku got back, he would need the rest of them to be in their best health to support them. Makoto knew Ryo was trying to get any info about the case. He knew Kenta had taken to living in isolation. He knew Susumu and Daisuke were working themselves to death. He knew Hiroshi was developing separation anxiety. He knew that the group was copping in their own individual ways.

Makoto was the oldest, and as the oldest, he had always prided himself on taking care of the others. When the group had just formed, he would drive the boys to school. When they were hungry, he would cook them meals. When they were too tired, he would either cover them in blankets or bring them upstairs himself. And Izuku? Izuku was his pride and joy. Probably because he was the youngest or probably because he raised the boy himself. Of course, Izuku was his baby just as much as he was his mothers.

His mother. Makoto failed at the thought of Inko. She had to be in the worst condition. He should call her. Make sure she's ok. It's the least he could do. He had promised her. He promised her that he would take care of Izuku, raise him, protect him, make sure he was the best person he could be. He had promised all of the boys. He promised all of them that he would care for them all. They shouldn't have trusted them. He should have tried harder to keep his promise. He should try harder to be a better hyung.


As Makoto was in his thoughts, he didn't register the pain he was holding crashing to the ground, the food spreading across the floor. At the moment, it was a rare moment that Makoto had gotten all of the members out of their isolations and into the kitchen to eat lunch. At the crash, each of the members was broken out of their own saddening thoughts. "Makoto hyung?" Hiroshi asked quietly. The others were startled out of their seats when they saw Makoto sway and fall to his knees. They all clambered out of their seats to go to the only one they could all call "hyung." The moment they all got to him, Makoto broke down in tears. He was blubbering about how he couldn't take it anymore. He was tired. He missed Izuku. There was too much stress. He was supposed to be put together, but he couldn't stand it anymore.

The others looked at their hyung with sympathy and regret. They had all put their stress and sorrows on to the shoulders of Makoto. They didn't mean it. They didn't know they were. They didn't realize Makoto wasn't allowing himself to break down. They all hugged on the kitchen floor. They would pick up the food later, but right now, they would cry together and wish for Izuku to be in the middle of the hug, where he should be.

1750 words

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