16: I'm Coming My Love

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So I'm really sorry. I totally forgot that yesterday I was supposed to update. So here is the next chapter. Enjoy.


Bakugo POV

It's already fucking Thursday, and there still hasn't been any damn lead on finding Izuku. I'm started to get nervous and frustrated. We only have 2 more days to find him. I've scoured alleyways, rooftops, factories, warehouses, basements, anywhere that I thought could be fucking housing LOV or their accomplices. The analysis on the video was done, and it was concluded that it had to be somewhere above ground. This was discovered when that shitty pasty fuck moved the camera, and there was a glimpse of a window. Everyone is dedicated to this case, and they all want to succeed, not that I'm any fucking better, honestly.

I should probably get in contact with Sejin and the others and update them. I don't think anyone has told them about the fucking video. I feel bad about not keeping in contact, but I have mostly put my energy into patrols. Shitty Hair and the other have finally lifted my shitty 3-hour ban, so I'm out at all hours, other than when I need to sleep or eat. I look at my watch and see that it's 20 minutes to noon; I'm not that far from the dorms, so maybe I give Ryo a call. I'll just call and ask to come over to talk.

20 min later

I entered the dorm and was met with a somber atmosphere. It's always fucking lively in here, so it kinda feels unnatural that there isn't yelling or loud music playing. I pulled my phone and the flash drive out of my pocket before sitting on the couch. I could see Makoto rushing around anxiously, trying to gather the others into the living room. He eventually pulled Kenta out of his study, and with that, he collapsed onto a chair in exhaustion. It was obvious he was overworking himself by the appearance of his dark eyebags, not that any of the others were much better. "So you want to talk about Izuku, I'd presume," Ryo asked. I nodded and was about to speak before Hiroshi and Daisuke interrupted and started firing off questions of if we had found him or if there was any progress.

Makoto tiredly told them to hush and let me speak. They looked at Makoto then at me before quietly apologizing. "It's fine. I would want to know the same fucking things if I was in your position." I reassured them with a small smile. I focused my attention on my lap as I tried to formulate my words correctly. "Anyway, I do have some important news for you all. For one, the case will be officially ending by the end of the week." They all looked shocked at my statement, and I could see the hope in their eyes; I felt bad that it wasn't exactly for the reason they were thinking. "We got a video message from Shigiraki a few days ago. I brought it with me if you want to watch it, but I can also tell you the summary of it if you want." I finally looked up at them, and I knew they all saw the sadness and anguish in my eyes.

"We'll watch it," Ryo said. I nodded again and walked over to the TV to plug the USB in. When the video was loading, I turned to them and said, "Just so you know, I wasn't supposed to show this to anyone, but I felt you all should be allowed to see it." The video started as they all looked at me with expressions that I couldn't quite place. As the video played, I watched their faces change from hopeful to anger to a mix between fear and sadness. When the video ended, Ryo and Kenta looked as white as a sheet, Susumu looked about ready to throw up, and Makoto, Daisuke, and Hiroshi burst into tears.

"I'm sorry!" I say, tears starting to form. Between the lack of sleep, all of the frustration, and having to relisten to the damn video, my emotions were beginning to overflow and get the best of me again. "Why are you sorry, Katsuki? This isn't your fault in any way." Makoto stated after calming his tears. "But it is!" I cried out, tears falling. "It is my fault because I haven't fucking found him yet. I'm supposed to be this great fucking hero who saves everyone, and I can't even save the fucking love of my life. I made a promise to all of you that I would protect him, but I didn't, and now he is in the fucking hands of villains who are doing God knows what to him! It is my fault because the villains are targeting Izuku as a way to get back at me! I'm the whole reason this happened!" I finished with my voice cracking and my legs unable to support my weight, causing me to fall to my knees.

I don't know who started the hugging pile, but we all ended up in a pile on the floor, hugging each other and reassuring each other. "You did nothing wrong, Katsuki. It's not your fault, so don't give up hope. I know you will find Izuku. You're too skilled and dedicated not to." Makoto whispered. I nodded at that and took a deep breath before quietly promising all of them that I wouldn't give up.

The Next Day (Friday)

After talking to the members yesterday, I went on a short patrol around their neighborhood just in case, and when I found nothing, I made my way back to the apartment. Today, like the past few days, I scaled the building to get a view of the streets to see if I could spot any disturbances. I sat on a rooftop for about 20 minutes and was about to get up when I spotted something weird below. I looked closer, and I saw a blondie with two space buns among the bustling crowds. I shook my head just in case I was seeing things, but when I looked again, they were still there. Now I couldn't be exactly sure they were the space buns belonging to fucking Toga, but I couldn't waste the opportunity to check. As the figure continued through the crowd, I followed overhead to stay out of public view. As the crowd thinned, I could make out two details that led me to my final conclusion. One was that the figure was indeed female, and two, the outfit was one of the iconic high school uniforms commonly adorned my one fucking Himiko Toga. I finally had a lead. I continued to follow the insane chick through the city before she stopped and sprinted down an alley. Being on the rooftops played to my advantage as it was each to stay on top of her but out of sight.

Getting through the alleyway, Toga turned down the street again and entered a closed-down restaurant. It wasn't run down or anything, but there was definitely no one going in or out of there except for the crazy bitch. That confused me, though, because I could pinpoint the reason for her entrance. I dropped from the roof to the street below and peeked through the window. What I saw almost sent me through the door. Inside was the group I had been looking for for the past week and a half. I knew it would be insufficient to barge in right now without the proper necessities and backup, so I left quickly as to not be seen.

I saved the location on my phone and sprinted to the police station. While I ran, I called Shitty Hair. "Hey Baku-" I cut him off, "I found them!" "Wha-" "I found the league Shitty Hair! Call everyone to meet up at the station and well discuss the plan." I didn't wait to hear his response before hanging up and pushing myself faster to get to the station. When I got there, everyone was rushing around. "Bakubro!" I turned to see Shitty Hair calling out to me as he ran over. "Come on, everyone is in the conference room. They're all waiting for you."

I followed him to the conference room, and when I entered, everyone's attention focused solely on me. "Can you explain what happened, Bakugo?" Icy-Hot asked. I tsked before recalling the events of the past hour. "I saw fucking Toga, so I followed her, and she ended up at a closed-up restaurant in the center of town. I looked through a window, and standing right there was the rest of the league." I huffed out. "The reason why we couldn't find where they were hiding out was that we were looking for places that fight their most probable location. They were smart and hid in plain sight. Right in the center of fucking town where none of us would have suspected them to be."

Everyone nodded in understanding, and raccoon eyes looked around before questioning, "So what do we do now?" Everyone thought to themselves for a second before Ponytail spoke up, "First, we have to form a plan. Shigiraki stated that only Bakugo was allowed to come and save Midoriya, but he never said anything about the other heroes being there as a fallback. I would say that we clear out the area around the restaurant, and by tomorrow we will be able to save Midoriya safely, quickly, and without hurting other civilians." Everyone nodded in agreement. "That sounds solid, but all of you should stay outside the restaurant while I go in to save Izuku. I'll kick the others out of the building where you all can arrest them. From there, I'll take care of Shigiraki and get Izuku." I specified. "Alright, that sounds good," Ponytail agreed. "We will begin to clear the civilians, and we will get Midoriya out of there by tomorrow."

I left the building and called a cab to take me back to the apartment. I decided to have a quick dinner before going to bed. I needed my rest, so I have enough energy for tomorrow. 'Soon, my love. Hang on a little longer.' I thought before falling asleep. As I was drifting into unconsciousness, I almost thought I heard Izuku, 'Kaachan.' I muttered out 4 words before falling completely asleep.

"I'm coming, my love."


Words 1731

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