26: Our Future

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Our Future

Katsuki POV (During the couple's weekend)

I woke up to snow falling outside the window of the apartment. I turned to my side as I took notice of being held onto. My focus was fixed on blond hair snuggled into my side. I shifted slightly and wrapped an arm around him. He looked so beautiful and ethereal. He was the love of my life and I didn't want anyone else to ever get their hands on him again. He has gone through so much, achieved so much, and proved so much. He truly was one of a kind.

I stared down at him and reminisce about our lives together. Our past is complicated, our present is peaceful, and our future would be magical. We had our issues and obstacles but we overcame them and pushed through each wall and hurdle together. We found ourselves in each other and neither of us wanted to part. I loved Izuku and at that moment, I concluded that I wanted to be with him forever. He deserved the best the world could offer and for a while, I didn't believe that that was me; but, over time Izuku showed me how much I meant to him and expressed how much he wanted to mean to me.

He is my jade prince; my star in the dark, lonely, night sky. I wanted him to be happy, healthy and protected through life. I wanted to be his anchor and his #1 hero, I didn't care if society didn't accept us. This was mainly because they couldn't have me without having us. We were a 2-for-1 package. I didn't care if my career is ruined by a faulty rumor or action. I didn't mind having bad days where I couldn't catch a villain or I ended up cursing out multiple reporters. I didn't care because, at the end of those days and every other day, Izuku was my life, my happiness, and my reason for being.

I knew he would always be by my side at the end of the day. If Izuku was happy, I was happy. If I could come home to Izuku, ready to have dinner together or snuggle on the couch, my life would be complete. If Izuku continued to love me, I wouldn't stop loving. As long as I had Izuku, I had my lifeline.

I stopped eating my soup, as the two of us were enjoying a light dinner before planning on having a marvel marathon tonight, and looked up from my bowl to zero in on the person across from me. He hadn't noticed my gaze but I didn't mind. At that moment I had made up my mind. I nodded my head and smiled to myself. I devised a plan and the first order of business was to talk to the family. "Hey, Izuku?" The dyed blonde looked up and hummed at my calling. "Racoon Eyes and Shitty Hair want to take you out to lunch sometime next week. They were bitching about how they never get to see you anymore at patrol."

Izuku's eyes lit up in excitement, "Of course! Can you ask them to text me about it so I can plan for it. My schedule is gonna get a lot busier soon so I want to see them before I'm not able to." I nodded and made a note in my head to call Shitty Hair later tonight. If those two love birds could get Izuku out for an hour or two, I would have no trouble talking to the needed people about my request.


After watching a couple of movies, I noticed Izuku falling asleep and nudged him, "Kachaaaan." Izuku groaned out at being disturbed from his half-slumber. "Your falling asleep Izu. It's time for bed." Izuku blearily looked up at me, looking absolutely adorable might I add. "But I'm comfy!" I chuckled before standing up from the couch and letting him slide down the back to now be laying fulling on the couch. He definitely was persistent. "You'll be even comfier in a bed because it was made solely for the purpose of comfort and sleep."

I leaned over him as he moved one arm over his face to cover his eyes and the other to hang off the bed. I grinned when I saw this, "looks like you need a little help." At that, I quickly scooped him into my arms and off the couch. "Kaachan!" He exclaimed in shock at being lifted. I carried him up the stairs and dropped him down on the bed before going around and climbing in next to him. He giggled before wrapping his arms around my stomach and hugging me tightly.

I waited about 5 minutes until I could tell he was asleep again. Then I grabbed my phone from the side table and went to the contact labeled Shitty Hair.

('B' is Katsuki and 'K' is Kirishima")

B: Hey, Shitty Hair.

B: Wake the fuck up!

B: Now. I need a favor.

K: Hey Baku-bro!

K: What's up,

B: Are you and Mina free anytime next week?

K: We should be. Why? What's up?

B: I need you to take Izuku out to lunch.

K: huh?

K: I mean sure, we'd love to. But why?

B: I need to speak to some people without Izuku knowing.

K: ???

K: People?

K: As in his group members?

B: yeah

K: About wha- WAIT!😱😱😱

B: ?


B: 😳😳😳


B: Shut up shitty hair.

B: I don't know what you're thinking but fucking stop it. 😡🖕

K: But Baku-bro!!😫

B: No. Now good night. Let me know when you're fucking free to take Izuku out.

K: Fine, goodnight.

K: And congrats Kat.😁

I closed my phone and put it on the side table after plugging it in to charge for the night. Then I turned back over and snuggled into Izuku. He looked so peaceful when asleep. I want to make him happy.


1014 words

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