15: In Their Hands

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I freckin' hate COVID. I lasted 2 years without getting it. I had it for a whole week, 🥲 which messed up my school schedule so bad. 😣 It was miserable. Anyway, enjoy.

Izuku POV

Everything was dark. My body was stiff, and I couldn't see anything as I looked around. Where was I? Wait, I remember I was in the car on my way to spend the weekend with Kaachan. Then we got into an accident. The car was flipped, and I had to crawl out. When I got out, I saw one of the bodyguards coming towards me. I could see his mouth moving, but I could hear his words. A moment later, I could make out the word "villain" falling from his mouth before my vision went dark. I don't remember anything after that. I wonder what happened.

All of a sudden, a searing pain came from my leg. I tried screaming out as a bright light filled my vision. As my eyes adjusted to the now possibility of sight, I was still trying to calm myself from the pain in my leg. When my eyes finally adjusted, I looked to my leg to find the source of pain. A knife. A knife was stuck in my thigh. I looked up and was faced with a girl that looked to be in high school, with blond space buns and a school uniform. Next to her was a man with black hair and purple burn scars all over him; a large figure surrounded my mist stood quietly in the back with calculating eyes; and, right in the center, with a large grin on his face, was a villain with dry skin and short blue hair. All 4 of the figures terrified me. I wanted my hyungs. I wanted my mom. I wanted Kaachan.

"Hello, Deku, or should I say Izuku Midoriya. I am so happy you are finally awake. I am Shigiraki, and these are my companions." He said with a nasty grin while gesturing to the people around him. "I would recommend you get comfortable because you will be here for a while. You see, while you were never the one that we wanted to hurt, you are the best target to get what we want." I had started shaking in fear. "And what, may I ask, is that?" I questioned him. My voice was hoarse, but I didn't concern myself with that. "We wish to end Ground Zero. And by our research, you seem to be in quite the relationship with the hero."

As Shigiraki said that, he walked closer and reached out his hand towards me. "I must say I am pretty jealous. It boggles me how a rough guy like him could capture a gem like you" he brushes a strand of my hair that fell in front of my face to the side. "You could do so much better than him, you know." He had a smile that sent chills down my spine, and his words were laced with an obvious different meaning. Backing up again, Shigiraki took another glance at me before looking to the, as Kaachan would say, burn victim. "Dabi, you are in charge of him. Do not let him out of the chair unless necessary. Also, if you or Toga make any fatal wounds to him, you are both dead. That said, the same consequence for any marks on the face. We can have anything ruining the beauty of Izuku Midoriya." He finishes speaking side glancing at me.

He walked out of the room not long after, followed by the silent figure of mist. My eyes followed the two of them all the way. When they were both finally gone, my eyes trained back to the other 2 villains in the room. "Oh my goodness, my little Deku! I'm a huge fan of yours!" The one who I could only assume is Toga bounded over to me. "I've watched so many of your performances over the years. You're so talented! But I think the only thing that could put you over the top is if you were covered in blood." She started giggling as if she had just made a cute joke. She didn't. I didn't like this. I wanted to go home; I didn't want to be near her. "Toga, calm yourself. You already stabbed him in the thigh. I think you should hold off for now. Remember, we can't have him bleeding to death, and we don't have a healer who can patch up the cuts." Dadi scolded the younger, who pouted like a puppy who got its' toy taken away.

The two soon left after Dabi convinced Toga that she could have more fun tomorrow. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I can't do anything. The straps are too tight, and they feel like they are digging into my arms and legs. I need Kaachan. He will come to save me. I know he will because he loves me and is my hero. I will hold out for him and my hyungs. I will hold on because they need me to. 'Please hurry, Kaachan,' I thought to myself before passing out again.


A week later

It's been a week here. A week of torture. Where's Kaachan? Is he really coming to save me? Maybe he doesn't like me as much as I thought. NO, I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. Kaachan does love me. I know he does, and he is probably searching under every rock for me. Kaachan will find me. In the meantime, I just have to survive through the pain and torture. My legs and arms have cuts and scrapes on them. While they aren't completely covered, there is a great quantity of them. And they all hurt. Toga and Dabi come in every day for an hour or two before Dabi has to drag Toga away before she kills me. The week of blood loss is starting to catch up to me because I feel light-headed, and I am a lot more tired.

Shigiraki comes in every day as well. While the mist man, who I learned was named Kurogiri, only comes in to wrap the cuts as best he could and feed me, Shigiraki is the worst when he comes to see me. While he doesn't physically harm me, he seems to enjoy mental torture. Specifically making me uncomfortable and terrified. His infatuation with me is even worse than what I've experienced with my worst stocker fans, and THEY were creepy! No, Shigiraki is worse in many ways. He would only come in once a day, but it was for hours on end. He would simply sit in front of me and talk. For the most part, there was no clear subject other than hero society or Kaachan. He would occasionally press questions upon me for information on Kaachan, but I never said a word to him.

However, a couple of the conversations drifted into talking of myself. He would start giving facts that were not public knowledge and facts that no one outside of my close circle of people should know. It was terrifying how much he knew. Today the order switched, though, while concerned me greatly. Usually, Dabi and Toga had their fun, then Kurogiri came in with bandages and food, then Shigiraki came in. Today, Shigiraki came in first. "Good morning Izuku! Today is a little different. Instead of our wonderful talks, we will be starting a game with the heroes and your boyfriend!" He walked over to his usual seat and set up a tripod and video camera facing his spot.

He started to talk, but I tuned it out. I was simply staring at Shigiraki. He gagged me before he began recording, so I couldn't muster a word. It was getting annoying because the rag was starting to get soaked with saliva, and I couldn't swallow. I was uncomfortable and felt sick. "So to get to the point, this game is called 'Idol or my Doll.'" My attention tuned back in. As Shigiraki started explaining the 'game' that he wanted to play with Kaachan, my stomach started to churn, and I felt like throwing up. My head is spinning, and I can't focus. Darkness enters my vision while the gag is causing my breath to get cut short. I can't breathe. I can't think. I want Kaachan. 'Kaachan, help please,' I think before passing out.


I wake up to see Shigiraki sitting across from me in his chair. The camera is gone, but my mouth is still gaged. I looked to Shigiraki, frightened at what he had planned. "Lovely for you to finally wake up, Izuku. I was so sad that the heroes couldn't see your beautiful face caked in fear." He started laughing hysterically. He stood and walked to the door. "Im going to leave now, Izuku, but don't worry, I've canceled your sessions with Toga and Dabi today and tomorrow! It's all so we can spend more time together! Aren't you excited? I told your boyfriend that you would belong to me if he didn't save you by the end of the week. Soon, my lovely idol. You will become mine by the end of this week. This location is known to very few, and it is not in the vicinity of where those pros are looking." Shigiraki grinned once more, blowing me a kiss before walking out the door.

I sat there for kami knows how long after. I couldn't process it. My mind was going blank. I couldn't focus. I was gonna be stuck here. I can't last forever. Is Kaachan really not gonna find me this time? I don't want Shigiraki. I want Kaachan. I want my hero.


1620 words

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