12: What Happened?

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Happy New Year!!!!!!!!! 🎊

Third POV

At the moment it was chaos. Everyone was in a panic, Izuku was missing, and the only one who knew what happened was in the hospital. Around 3 pm Katsuki had called Ryo to ask if Izuku had left yet. He told Ryo that Izuku was supposed to get to the apartment and hour and a half ago but was still not there. He had tried calling the young idol but the call immediately went to voicemail. Ryo was confused because Izuku had left around 12:30 so that he would have plenty of time to get to the apartment. The apartment was only a 40 minute drive from the dorms so Izuku should have been there. Another thing is that Izuku always picked up the phone. If he didn't he at least texted you back if he was busy.

Ryo was on a call with Katsuki trying to figure out what happened when he suddenly got a call from Sejin. He told Katsuki that he'd call him back and ask Sejin if he knows. Katsuki hung up and Ryo picked up the call with Sejin. Almost instantly he knew something was wrong.

"Hello manager. What can I do for you?" "Ryo, have you heard from Izuku?!" "No? I was just talking to Katsuki about Izu. He's not at the apartment and we were wondering if you knew what happened." Sejin sighed through the line before stating, "There was an accident." "What?!" Ryo asked in a shocked tone, "Is everyone alright?!" Ryo's voice rising. "Thats the thing there was no other car so it was either intentional or a car malfunction, but the police are suspecting intentional." "The police? Wait, why would you say it was intentional?" Ryo was standing now, getting looks from the members who were sitting around him.

"There was nothing wrong with the car in the first place and well with who was found at the scene it is most likely intentional." "What about casualties? Is Izuku alright?!" Another sigh, "Thats another thing pointing this to the intentional aspect. The driver and guard in the passenger seat are dead, the 3rd guard is in the hospital yet to wake up, and Izuku..." Sejin started to trail off. "Manager, what happened to Izuku?" "Izuku couldn't be found at the scene. When taking blood samples Izuku's was among the samples but himself was nowhere to be seen."

At that statement Ryo's knees buckled out of shock. Makoto was quick to catch his leader who now had tears sliding down his face. The others had never seen their leader act like this so it got them very worried. "Ryo?" Sejin asked through the phone to make sure the idol was still there. "The hospital said that the security guard should wake up in the next hour. I'll find out what happened to Izuku and call you back. I'll leave you in charge of telling Bakugo." With that Sejin hung up and Ryo's arm fell to the ground.

After a moment Makoto asked Ryo what happened. "There was an accident. 2 guards are dead, 1 is in the hospital, and Izuku is missing. The police think the accident was intentional." Ryo said bluntly and with no emotion in his voice. The answer caused the rest of the group to gasp and tears began to form in some of their eyes. "What are we going to tell Katsuki?" Hiroshi asked quietly. "I don't know".


Bakugo POV

It's 3:10 pm and I just got off the phone with Ryo. I was starting to panic because Izuku hadn't gotten home yet. I ask Ryo if Izuku had left and he had confirmed that he had. What worried me more was that no one could get in contact with Izu. When Ryo hung up with me to talk to his manager about what happened to Izu, I started to pace through the apartment. I was so caught up in my head that I was startled to attention when my phone rang. I clutched my phone tightly with nerves as I read Ryo's ID. I quickly clicked 'ANSWER' and brought the phone up to my ear with a slightly shaken hand.

"Hello?! Ryo, what happened?!" I raced through my words. "Katsuki?" It wasn't Ryo voice but Susumu's, "Susumu? Where Ryo? What happened to Izu?!" "Calm down Katsuki. Listen something happened and I need you to get to the hospital. Myself and the others will meet you there." My worry increased tenfold when I was told to go to the hospital. "Is Izuku alright?" I asked. I needed to know. I held my breath when I heard a sigh from the other line. "Currently Izuku is missing. Some of his blood was found at the scene of the accident but Izu was no where to be found."

A second later I didn't recollect my phone dropping from my grasp and my knees buckling under me. There was a ringing in my ear and my vision was unfocused. " -ki! -suki! Katsuki! Katsuki can you hear me?!" I absentmindedly nodded before realizing he couldn't see me, "I- I can hear y-you" I stuttered out. "Listen, you have to get to the hospital. There we can go over detail and get the story from a witness. I'm going to hang up now so be sure to keep focus. For Izuku."

XTime SkipX

Third POV
30 minutes passed and the hospital waiting area was filled with 1 pro hero, 6 world famous kpop idols, and a handful of staff. Sejin and the detective was in the patient room getting the story on what happened to Izuku. What that had been done the occupants of the waiting room watched as the detective leave quickly joying down info onto his notepad. Sejin on the other hand walked out in a daze.

Everyone looked expectingly at Sejin waiting for an explanation. Taking a subtle glance at Katsuki before beginning, "To put it simply, Izuku was kidnapped by the League of Villains and the one they call Shigiraki has called Pro hero Ground Zero out specificity to submit to the league if he wanted Izuku back."

Katsuki clenched his fists and grit his teeth in a mix of anger, worry, revenge, guilt, and a whole lot of other conflicting emotions. The other members were also battling a lot of emotion but the overwhelming emotion was worry and fear. For a moment everyone stood in silence. No one knew what to do or say in response to what they were told.

Everyone was shaken from their thoughts as small explosions popped from Katsuki's palms. Katsuki glanced around the room before settling on the huddled group of idols, "I'll get him back. I promise you." With that Katsuki stomped out of the hospital, already forming different plans of action to get his love back from the villains.

1150 words

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