11: Disaster

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I'm back!!!

I know I was gone a long time, but I finally got into college, and all of my scholarship stuff is done so I can once again focus on writing this lovely story.


Third POV

A week after the MAMA awards, Izuku had made plans to have a week off from work. He spoke to his managers and the other members. They all agreed that it was an excellent opportunity to spend some time relaxing and destressing. Izuku was excited about his week off because Katsuki had managed to get the week off and would only be on call if there was a significant case for which he was absolutely needed. Katsuki was already at the apartment, making lunch for him and Izuku while Izuku packed up his dorm. He wanted to bring over some stuff from his dorm to the apartment that he had meant to take over for a while.

Once Izuku finished packing up, he helped his security load it into the back of the car. After it was all set in place, Izuku hugged all of his hyungs and told them he'd see them in a week. The older members were sad to see him go but happy that he could enjoy a lovely week with his boyfriend. Izuku got in the car and waved to everyone before closing the door. After bowing to the members, security got into the car and slowly pulled out of the driveway.

Izuku sat in the car listening to music with his headphones, looking out the window at the city skyline as the car drove down the road that wrapped around a mountain. It was a peaceful drive with the sun shining high in the sky and not a cloud to be seen.


Izuku POV

A pop song that I couldn't name at the moment was playing while I looked at the city. It was daytime, so I could see the glow of city lights, but nonetheless, it didn't take away from the beauty of the scenery. I was humming along with a content smile on my face. I was happy to be able to spend this time with Kaachan. We never got to spend more than a weekend together at the apartment, so this was bound to be an exciting time.

I was thinking about how well and how unfortunate the last year has been when I was pulled out of my thoughts. I looked towards the front of the car where my security had given a quick and shocking shout. Before I could tell what was happening, the car started to jerk left and right. I ended up clinging onto my seat belt and unfortunately hitting my head on the window when the car took a strong jerk to the left. Suddenly, it felt like I was in zero-gravity as I lifted from my seat, seatbelt still attached. There was the sound of glass breaking, and I couldn't tell which way was up.

Then all of the screaming and the crashing and the movement stopped. I was upside-down, still clinging to the seatbelt in a death grip. I opened my eyes and saw that the two men up front were out of their seats and looked to be in contorted positions on the ground, or I suppose the roof as the car is flipped over. I could smell smoke, so I knew there was a fire somewhere close. That meant I had to get out of the car sooner rather than later.

I unbuckled my seatbelt, preparing to fall with gravity. It unbuckled, and in an instant, I was down and in a pile of glass. I had to bite my tongue as I felt a piece of glass pierce my leg. I scrambled through the glass, trying to not cut myself more than I have already, and climbed out the window.

Making it out of the crashed vehicle, I looked around at the wreck, coughing as smoke filled my lungs. I was looking at the car when I heard a shout from next to me. I turned my head to see the security guard who had sat next to me crawl towards me in fear. I stood to go help the man, but as I was doing so, he called out for me to run and save myself. I was confused, and noticing he was looking behind me, I started to turn around. I never got a good look at who or what was behind me before I felt a hit to the back of my head. Just before my vision turned dark, I caught a glimpse of blue hair.


Security Guards POV

As the car rolled, I was thrown from my seat out the window. I hated to listen to the screams coming from Midoriya. Because he had been right next to me at the time, he was the one whose cries seemed to be the loudest. When I had landed from my projection out of the car, I landed on my leg. I instantly knew it was broken when I felt the pain splintering up my body. The vehicle stopped rolling just a few meters ahead of me. When the car stopped, so did the screams. I grew worried for everyone inside, especially Midoriya.

I started to crawl to and around the car since there was no way I would be able to stand and run to Midoriya's aid. I was just behind the car when I heard a crash from within. I couldn't see into the car, so I didn't know what happened, but I felt fear strike my core when I finally got around the car. Through blurred eyes, I could see a purple portal twisting into formation. Once it got to a prominent enough size, 3 figures stepped out.

On the left was a tall thing in a suit with a metal collar and a large mass of purple mist as his face. On the right was a slightly shorter individual with black hair and burns covering his body. He had a terrifying glint in his eyes, and blue fire flickered around his hand. The last individual looked crazed. He was the shortest, but he looked to be in charge. He had shoulder-length light blue hair and individual hands clasping his arms. I knew automatically that they were villains and they meant business.

I don't think they had noticed me yet, which was good, but what had caught their attention was much more unsettling. Izuku had started to climb out of the wreckage. It was a punch to my gut when I saw the injuries and cuts the poor boy was supporting. I ignored the fact that I was putting myself in danger and started to call out for Midoriya to start running. The villains and Midoriya looked at me at the same instant but with different expressions. Midoyira had worry caked onto his face, but the villains had irritation and hate.

The blue-haired villain started to walk toward Midoriya, who still had yet to notice them. In a panic, I tried crawling fast to the boy. Midoriya probably saw that my focus was behind him, and in the moment of turning around, the blue-head struck Midoriya's pressure point in his neck, and he crumbled to the ground. I kept calling out in desperation, but it did me no good. The villain called out to his partners to take Midoriya. While they did that, he walked over to me.

I started to shake out of fear for both Midoriya and myself. I didn't want to die, and I didn't want Midoriya to die. The villain clasped my hair with 4 fingers and pulled it up so that I looked at him directly. When he spoke, it came out crazed and threatening, "Tell Ground Zero that if he doesn't submit to the League of Villains their will be dire consequences. Also, thank him for my new plaything. I will be sure to use it well." The villain smirked before letting go of my hair. The thing with a mist face came up behind him, "Tomura Shigaraki, it is time to go. We have secured the boy." Shigaraki nodded, turning and giving one last look before following the mist man through the portal.

Words 1388

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