2: Made Public

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Third POV

June has always been a busy month for both Izuku and Bakugo. For Izuku he has summer concerts, award shows, fan signings, etc. Bakugo on the other hand has longer patrols and has to handle the task of summer internships. Just as he had done when still a student; UA, and other hero schools have sent their 2nd-year and 3rd-year students off to do Hero internships.

For the couple, June was the month that they rarely got to see each other. It was difficult to make time due to each hectic schedule. While both had expected the type of workload when they had signed up for their careers, neither had expected the commotion of rumors and media surrounding one question that was asked by everyone: "Is it true that you are dating Pro Hero, Ground Zero/ Kpop megastar, Deku?" Neither Izuku nor Katsuki had expected the question to be a daily reoccurrence that was continually denied, or ignored in Katsuki's case.

Izuku POV

We had just landed at Seoul's airport. We're all super tired from our month-long summer tour. We went to America and Europe. It wasn't a really big tour but it was still a lot of work. As we landed, I was happy that I could be so close to Kaachan again. I miss him so so much. He is so sweet, even with his attitude and harsh language. I do wonder when we could go on another date. It has also been on my mind as to when we should put our relationship to the public.

It's been almost 3 years and all the constant questions about our relationship are getting annoying. Also, it could stop other dating rumors that could cause more drama than necessary by outing our relationship to the public. The only thing that is stopping us though is me. I'm just really scared of what could happen. I already faced a load of hate when I went public as gay, but our group wasn't too popular so it wasn't too big of a problem or mess. I still get hate now and then, but I just worry to what extent the hate will be at.

I also worry about Kaachan and his image. I know he has come out as well and that he doesn't care what people have to say about him, as long as he is getting his job done without interference from the public. However, the most visible concern about coming out as a couple is the prospect of villains. This is a great concern for both Kaachan and me, but Kaachan insists that he is capable enough to protect me from anyone and anything.

Everyone is accepting of my holding off on the announcement but I can tell they all want it to happen sooner rather than later. I'll have to meet up with Kaachan and discuss it.

Bakugo POV

I had heard that Izu was returning today from his tour and I wanted to surprise him at the airport since his plane was supposed to get in right when my patrol ended. I took care of a few loose ends at my agency and then got in my car and drove to the airport.

When I got there I saw a large group of fans and press grouped up and waiting. "Geez. Don't these fuckin extras have something better to do than bombard people who are trying to just get home? It's fucking 8 o'clock at night. Why the fuck are there so many people!" I parked in short-term parking and grabbed my mask, hat, and scarf that I use to cover my identity. I got out and went through the back hallways and staff routes after flashing my hero license. I asked what gate to go to for Izu's flight and made my way there. I noticed that there were people just starting to emerge from departure and then I spotted Ryo and Daisuke.

Ryo noticed I was standing there and smiled at me before pointing behind him, signaling that Izuku was just behind him. I nodded in thanks. Once I spotted him I called out, "Hey nerd! Welcome back." He looked up when hearing my voice, "Kaachan!!" He shouted in excitement. He ran over and jumped onto me in a hug. "I missed you sooooo much!" "Same nerd," I said smirking. We released each other from the long-overdue hug and as I looked at him I remembered how much I missed his curly hair and bright green eyes. I noted that his hair was also longer and no longer green, but now purple. It suited him. "I like your hair."

We made our way back to the cars and once the fans noticed our group walking they started to crowd even more. Reporters made their way up front and started questioning rumors and drama that were currently up for debate. I had made sure to hide enough and grab a random suitcase and posed as a regular passenger who had just gotten off the flight. It seemed to work at I was able to get through the crowd with no recognition from people. Before going back to my own car I was able to pull one of the managers to the side and ask them to go down the street and drop off Izuku with me and that I'll take him back to the dorms. They agreed and I left.

I drove down the street and parked on the side of the road. I saw one of the vans pull up behind me and I got out to greet my lovely boyfriend. He exited with his stuff and we put it in my trunk. I got back into my seat after giving him a quick kiss.

Third POV

As Bakugo drove, Izuku stared at the sights with a relaxed smile. He had missed the night lights of his home country. They had always made him feel happy and relaxed. While Bakugo's favorite part of Seoul was the food, Izuku's favorite part was the city lights. The drive was nice and comfortable. The couple enjoyed the hum of the car, the low volume of music, and the lovable feeling of finally being near each other.

"Kaachan?" Izuku says quietly. "Yes, Izu?" Bakugo slightly took his eyes off the road to look at Izuku. He noticed that he was looking at his lap and twiddling his thumbs. 'Why is Izu so nervous?' He asked himself. Izuku looked up in determination and bluntly stated, "I want to go public." The car seemed to jerk as Bakugo in shock accidentally hit the brakes. "W-what!?" Bakugo asked shocked. As he stopped at a red light he looked at Izuku in shock. "Really!" Bakugo was happy that Izuku finally wanted to go public like he wanted. "Yeah. I mean I'm still nervous at the reaction but I know you're with me and I have my mom and my hyungs too." Bakugo leaned over the center console and hugged Izuku tightly, "Thank you Izu."

A few days later on multiple social media platforms:

At this time we, Big Hits Labels, are announcing that Bakugo Katsuki, also known as the pro hero Ground Zero, and our youngest member of BTS, Izuku Midoriya, are dating.

As rumors of their relationship surfaced about 3 years ago, in that time our label has continued to claim falsely to the rumors. The two are in truth childhood friends and have known each other for their entire lives. Although by the end of their 2nd year in high school both had begun to secretly date.

Upon request, it was not announced to the public for the mental and physical safety of the couple. To the public, please note that any homophobic or derogatory messages, rumors, and claims will not be accepted and are highly discouraged; toward the couple, our other members, and towards the general public.

We are happy to finally reveal the happy couple and are very supportive of their future. As a company, we wish them happiness in the future and offer our encouragement in every course of their relationship.

This is Bakugo's car

—————————This is Bakugo's car

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