10: MAMA Awards

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Time skip 1 week

BTS was in their practice studio practicing for MAMA's. A few days ago they had released the mv for 'Fire'. It was a hit. Everyone loved it and there was even a new trend of people trying to do the choreography. People were amazed at how fluid and uniform everything was. Many people were shocked at their talent and visuals.

The boys were currently practicing 'Dionysus'. It was a difficult performance because the props were huge and weren't stuck to the ground. Izuku had a hard time standing balanced on the table while dancing, and more than once Makoto had to hold the table still. Another difficult thing was for the boys to roll over the table in the beginning.

"Alright everyone, let's try this again!" the choreographer called out. "We almost got it smooth. Background hold the tables for the boys so they don't fall off. I know these tables a heavy but we have to move them quickly!" Everyone continued to practice until there was a cry of pain coming from the dancers. The boys had just done the roll but Hiroshi rolled over his shoulder.

Hiroshi landed on the floor and crouched down, holding his shoulder. He gripped his shoulder in pain while the boys rushed over to see if they could help. The choreographer called for medics and soon there was a circle around the young idol. The medics looked over Hiroshi and concluded that he had dislocated his shoulder. It was an easy fix, but Hiroshi would have to go to the hospital. Making the final call, the choreographer called off the rest of the practice. The staff took Hiroshi to the hospital while the rest of the group went back to the dorms.

They all went to the living room and sat down in silence. Izuku, uncomfortable in silence, broke it, "I hope Hiroshi-hyung is okay." The others looked up at the youngest. Kenta spoke up in response, "Don't worry Izu. It's Hiroshi. He will be fine. He'll probably come back all healed and start asking to go play video games or something." A few of the members, including Izuku, laughed at the theory.

After that, they relaxed and stopped worrying. Eventually, Hiroshi came back, and true to Kenta's prediction, Hiroshi was fine and asking Izuku and Daisuke to play video games with him. The members were relieved to see their brother happy and no longer in pain.


Time skip

It was finally the day of the MAMAs, and Izuku was a bundle of nerves. Katsuki had wished the idol the best of luck, giving him a kiss that he claimed to contain all the luck in the world. Izuku giggled at Katsuki's cheesy way of cheering him on. Izuku was also excited because Katsuki and some of his other pro hero friends would be at the ceremony. This was because they were given special invites as a gift.

Currently, the members were backstage, getting into their outfits. They were going to perform 'Dionysus' and then 'Boy with Love'. They were 2 songs that they enjoyed performing and thought would make good pieces for the show.


TIme skip because there is nothing to write

(After the performance)

Everything went perfectly! No one got injured and everyone love it. As he was dancing and singing, Izuku had caught a glimpse of where the heroes were seated. He had to laugh as he saw Mina, Kirishima, and Denki jamming out. He was also pleased to see Katsuki bobbing his head along as well.

The night of success and excitement was not over however as the group had taken home a daesang sweep, as they had a couple of years ago. The whole night was amazing and exciting. The boys were also glowing with joy but they all agreed that Izuku was sparkling, much to his embarrassment









Meanwhile, in a dingy underground bar...








"That's him," a person said pointing at the screen. His identity was masked by shadows, so his colleagues couldn't see his features; but, they could certainly feel the evil smirk that was plastered on his face. "That's who I need to crush the spirit of pro hero Ground Zero.

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MV's released


(We are Bulletproof: the Eternal)

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