21: Makoto's Plan

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A/N So this chapter will be all Makoto's POV which is definitely a switch from previous chapters. Also, I am curious what you all think his plan for helping Izuku is before reading the chapter. I will also provide a section for predictions at the end. However, the plan will not be revealed until the next chapter.


Makoto POV

I lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling in contemplation. I ran my plan by Ryo and he said it was a solid plan that could be Izuku's best chance of finally getting better. The only problem was that it required a lot of planning and the cooperation of important people. "Arrgghh" I groaned as I stuffed my 'RM' (ok, didn't plan on this. I just switched the 'J' with 'M' because his name is Makoto, not Jin) in my face. I sat up in bed and hugged the plushie to my chest, still stuffing my face into it. I picked my head up and looked at the clock on my nightstand. Bright pink numbers showed the time at 10:46 pm. I sighed a decided to make a list of things I had to get done for my plan before going to bed.

- Make a call to Senjin

- Make a call to the head of the Hospital

- Make a call to the Mayor of Seoul

- Make a call to Katsuki

- Send out an announcement to ARMY

- Schedule the date

- Do research on the area of the Hospital

Looking at the list gave me hope. If I could pull this off it had the best chance of helping Izuku. I set the list on my desk and climbed into bed. Cuddling my RM stuffie I turned to my side and stared at a group picture of the 7 of us when we first debuted. Izuku was placed from and center. He looked so small and timid back then, but his heart was bursting at the seams with the dedication and dreams of saving people. He will always be the little 15-year old that I have to teach to be an adult. He will always be my little brother who I have to protect. 

The next morning I was woken by the bright sun rays that streamed in through my window. I blinked the sleep from my eyes and groggily sat up. It took me a few minutes to situate myself and get my bearings before I remembered what I had to do today. I got out of bed and went to my closet, looking for something that I could wear for my long day of activity. I found some jeans that looked good with a pink sweatshirt and a black baseball hat. 

After getting dressed and going down for breakfast of kimchi fried rice and an egg, I went down to the underground and made a set up in the conference room. I set out a pad of paper and turned on my laptop. First on my list was to call Mr.Sejin. I opened my contacts and hit call. A moment later the line connected. "Good morning, Makoto. What can I do for you?" "Good morning, manager. I was hoping to run a plan by you that I have come up with in regards to Izuku's recovery. I have already asked Ryo, who used his quirk to find faults, and he said it was solid." 

I could hear him hum on the other line before agreeing to hear it out. So for the next 30 minutes, I talked through my plan for Izuku. Senjin kept silent throughout my whole explanation and when I finished, he simply said that he agreed with Ryo that it seemed like a solid plan, supposedly since a similar thing helped in the previous circumstance. We talked about details for a little while longer before saying our goodbyes and hanging up. Next was the head of the hospital. The 2nd hardest call of the day. 

I looked up the number of the hospital and punched in the number. It took some time to get through to the head since I had to go through a few managers and development officers. However, it probably would have taken longer if I hadn't specified who I was. Sometimes it amazes me what our group's influence can do. When I did finally get in contact with the head he seemed pleased to take with me. "Hello, young man, what can I do for you today?" I cleared my throat and specified clearly, "I just have a few plans that I have to run by you to make sure they don't cause any inconvenience." 

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