ep1 : The first time i saw you.

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( ᴡɪɴs ᴘᴏᴠ:- )

The bell above the door of the caffe rang, indicating that someone had entered the caffe. Win was sitting at a table with Tay, Dean and Tul facing him.
Two tables to their right 3 juniors were seated, drowned in their own conversation.

Win had been dragged to this place every day from the past week since his friends had gotten to know that those 3 boys came here every morning. Win would have objected to being forcefully sat down for half an hour if it wasn't for the fact that the pastries and drinks at the caffe were delicious. No wonder those boys come here every day. He saw Dean smile wide as Pharm laughed to something his friends said on the other table.

"Just go and tell him you like him Dean" Win whined. Dean now looked at him

"And then what? scare him away?"

"Why would that scare him away?"

"Because" This time Tul spoke "It would make him uncomfortable and there is no way  they won't notice us stalking them after that!"

"Oh, so you guys do realise you're stalking them" Win said with a smirk.

Tul - "Oh shut up Win. Why don't you go chat with your Cherry?"

Win - "Cherry? Oh ya...We broke up yesterday."

Tay - "Why am I not surprised? You never stayed with anyone for more than 2 weeks"

Win - "I just haven't found the right person yet!"

"That's what you say every time. You dont even know what your ideal type is like Win" Tul said taking a bite of his strawberry pastry.

His friends were right, Win had never found anyone he had felt a special connection with. He had tried having a few serious relationships in the past but it never worked out well. So now he decided to have short casual relationships until he found the right one for him.

"Whose that?" Dean's voice dragged him out of his thoughts. Following his gaze he saw a tall boy with porcelain skin and dark hair pinching Pharm's cheeks and laughing. He was seated beside Pharm, facing Max and New.

Win knew their names because his friends had tried to get all the information they could on the 3 boys and wouldn't stop ranting on how cute Pharm was or how dazzling Max's smile was or how New was the most perfect person Tay had met.

But who was the new guy? He's cute.
Win could see the frown forming on Dean's face as the newcomer placed his arm around Pharm's shoulder as he talked with the others. He was wearing their collage's unifom.

How come I've never seen him before? Win's thoughts were cut off when he noticed the boy looking at them, his gaze shifted from Tul to Tay to the angry looking Dean and finaly rested on Win. They locked eyes for a few seconds before the boy turned his attention back to his friends.
He said something to Pharm that caused the later to immediately look down at his lap and turn red as a tomato. He was blushing. Win didn't have to look at Dean to see his expression he could feel the angry and jealous vibes Dean was radiating out like waves, Win didn't dare look at him.

(Team's pov :-     )

His friends always hung out at this caffe in the mornings. At first they used to just take their drinks and Team's too when he sometimes asked and come meet him at the parking area but from the past few days they had been hanging out at the caffe every morning!

Today when Team entered the caffe and saw the group of 4 seniors seated merely two tables away from his frends, nie he knew exactly why his coffee was reaching him over half an hour late every day.

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