ep 22: Why Hiaa?!

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"I really don't want to be nosy or anything team, but I think of you as my good friend and I would never want someone to use you.... I saw one of my friends talking to someone from the engineering department, when I asked what was happening they showed me this video of P'Win-" Sorn opened a video on his phone.


It was a club, there was faint music beating in the background, Win was sitting next to Tay looking at someone sitting in front of the camera. Win was wearing all black. Black shirt black jeans, the first few buttons of his shirt were open.

"Looking for someone else to fuck with already? "

Win scowled at the persons words "What do you want? "

"Nothing. But let me tell you if your looking at blue boy over there then your not going to get him"

Win looked at the other - "And why do you think I won't ?"

The voice chuckled "He's a difficult one. Mark my words, I know. I've tried hitting on him so many times but it never seemed to work "

"That just proves he has good taste" Win said with a smirk.

" Then let's make a bet shall we? If or not you can make him fall in love and sleep with you within a month...... 9000 bhatt."

Win smirked - "Deal. You better not go back on your words "

Before the other could answer Win took Tay's hand and pulled him up , slowly making his way to the bar.

The video kept playing to show Win reaching the bar and stand beside a boy seated there wearing blue.


The video stopped. Team and all the other boys were standing there opened mouthed. New looked at Team with concern.

It was unmistakably the time when Win had first started to pursue on Team.

"Calm down na team. Maybe it's a misunderstanding" Max said holding teams arm "How did you get this?" Pharm asked Sorn.

"I requested the senior to send it to me, I- I thought that Team deserved to know."

Pharm nodded "Thank you Sorn" Team said still in a trance "I need to ask Hia about this" Team said turning to leave but then he paused and turned to Sorn again "Can you come with me? I want to show him the video"

Sorn nodded and followed the four.

Sorn was walking behind everyone
𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢'𝚛𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐. 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝

He sent the message. As they were walking to the building where professor Type's office was Sorn caught Team and Pharm's hand. They turned back and looked at him quizzically.

Sorn pointed to the space between the two buildings "Isn't that P'Win?"

They followed to where he was pointing and indeed it was Win. He was talking to two guys. Team was about to rush there but was stopped by Pharm. "Wait team" He said pulling him to the side. The five boys stood in the shadowed side close enough to hear the conversation

"I really didn't think you would be able to get him Win. Guess your worthy of the playboy reputation you have,  poor Team doesn't even know your playing with him" One of them laughed

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