ep 11: She knew it all along

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Dean pulled into the driveway of his house. He saw Del's car in the parking. She was already home.
His anger had still not subsided much, he was hurt that she had not told him. Apparently all her friends knew about her relationship.

When Dean had found out about her being in a relationship earlier today he had asked his frend from the Architecture faculty (same faculty as Del and Alex) to find out as much as he could about the two.

According to what he was told Alex and Del had been friends since the beginning of their first year and soon Alex had asked her out, his friend had told him that Alex was a good person. Apparently the two of them had announced their relationship three and a half months ago.

But the fact that he's a good person doesnt mean that Del could hide this from him!
What if he had been a bad person? Now that their group was being threatened he was worried that the enemy might hurt Del as a way to get to him.

Tension he had bottled up from the past days of Del being angry and the threat they had gotten had started to form a volcano that was threatening to burst out. Pharm was already in danger Dean couldn't risk his sister too.

Del saw as Dean get off his car and make his way to the door. She was standing in the living room with Alex right behind her. They had met through a mutual friend in high school and had been friends since then. She had met him again on freshers day last year and then thru had just clicked, soon...he had asked her out.

She trusted Alex, she hadn't told him everything but he knew that there was something Dean had been hiding from her and it involved him endangering himself.

Dean entered the house to find the his sister and her boyfriend waiting for him.

"Del Wongnate" He said throwing his bag on the sofa "start explaining" He was standing a few feet in front of her now.

"Explain what phi? " She said defiant, fully intending to get on his nerves.

She had known about Dean and the Mafia since the beginning, when he had initially joined 4 years ago, she had always waited that one day he would tell her on his own.

Years had passed.

Her last string snapped last week when he was admitted in the hospital. He had come home with bruses several times before but this time he had been admitted in the hospital, she didn't know the exact reason but it didn't take long to figure out it had something to do with another mafia fight. They had made up a stupid excuse and expected for her to believe it but she had had enough of this lying

Behind her Alex was internally shaking from the way Dean was glaring at them. He looked like a very angry dragon, ready to strike any moment while Del stood her ground like a Griffin.

"Explain the fact that you have a boyfriend and never told me about it!" He said from between his teeth. He was loosing the little patience he had.

Del crosses her arms in front of her "I never intended to tell you anything phi"


Del lost it too "I'M SUPPOSED TO TELL YOU? AND WHAT ABOUT YOU PHI?! DO YOU TELL ME ANYTHING? OR IS IT JUST ME WHO HAS TO OPEN UP WHILE YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT?!" She screamed back. She had held it in for years, she was dine waiting now she would not wait anymore.

Dean was shook, he and Del had fought before too of course, many times, but she has never screamed at him with such.....he couldn't figure out the emotion hate? sadness? wrath?

"DEL!" he roared in fury.

He didn't know what was happening, emotions flooded through him suddenly as he saw tears threatening to form in his sisters eyes.

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