ep 2 : The Bet

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(ᴡɪɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ :- )

Win got out of his apartment in the morning and locked his door behind him, throwing the keys in his bag he made his way to the staircase and down.
He smiled to himself as he remembered the last day's lunch, the image Team's red embarrassed face came up in his head again. Win didn't realise that he was smiling. Since yesterday he kept thinking about the junior, something about Team had been successful in catching Wins attention.

He reached the parking lot at the bottom and stood near his car waiting for Dean and Tul to come down too.

Tul stayed in the apartment to Win's left and Dean in the front one. Ahnong had insisted that either Win share a bunglow with his bodyguards or live in an apartment with them nearby so they could protect him in case any people of the enemy mafia tried to attack Win.

Just as Win was beginning to wonder if he should call Dean and Tul and ask them to hurry up, he saw a silver mini van roll in and stop a few spaces away from his car. Four men came out of the vehicle, all dressed in black and evidently moving towards Win.

They were obviously here for him.

The first man ran forward and tried to get a hold of Win's left arm but Win was faster he caught the man's hand with his right one and yanked the man forward before serving a punch to the mans face with his left. The man fell to the floor with a grunt, covering his bloody nose with his hands. The other 3 men were all coming down on Win at the same time.

Win had been taught how to fight from a young age, at that time his father was still alive..... Then his elder sister had taken over the gang and business after the death of their parents. As his sister was still in collage at the time of their parents demise his uncle had helped a lot with the work and taught his sister what their father had not been able to in order for his sister to run everything smoothly.

Within 5 minutes Win stood in the parking lot alone, the 4 other men lay on the ground. One groaning in pain and the other three unconscious.
"What the hell happened here?!" A voice boomed from the stairwell.

"Your late" He said looking at Dean and then at Tul as they stood at the bottom of the stairs.

They were both starring down at the beat up men "Are you alright? " Dean asked looking up and Win

"Ya, but they're not. Good thing they were stupid enough to come unarmed or I would have had a problem" - Win. He was now smiling.

Dean walked towards him while Tul was on the phone with someone -Probably with Ahong- Win thought.

"Whats the use of having g two bodyguards if I have to do all the fighting stuff alone " - Win said sarcastically.

He expected to hear a chuckle but Dean swat the back of his head instead.

"Hey! " Win exclaimed.

When he faced Dean, he saw the same friendly smile on his face but there was something off about it. Dean knew than Win could easily take down half a dozen unarmed men. Yet when Win looked in his eyes he thought he saw a glimpse of worry and something he couldn't point out.

He looked at Tul who had got off the call and was checking the pockets of the knocked out men. Was there something they were not telling him? He shook the thought off.

In a few minutes another van arrived , it was one of his sisters, the unconscious men were tossed inside and then it drove away along with the silver mini van. Win didn't want to know what his sister would do them. He almost pitied the four. Almost.

On their way to collage Tul told him that the reason they were late today was because Dean had woke up late. They both knew it was mostly he had been up chatting with Pharm at night and their suspicions were confirmed when they saw a very sleepy Pharm sitting with his friends as they entered campus. Tay was sitting with them next to New.

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