ep 16 : The Mall

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Win noticed Team had been acting weird all day. He had stayed and watched the swim practice in the morning. Students usually come and sit the whole time cheering and chatting but Team had never stayed for the whole practice before.

He was following Win almost everywhere, to the washroom, library, swim practice. He even dragged him to drama class as Win had a free period that time. Dean had come along with him to try and talk to Del again but she was still angry. Thankfully though she was only angry with Dean and talked to him and the others normally.

Earlier Team had even swapped seats with Dean and sent him to the car with Pharm and himself sat next to Win. Not that Win was complaining about it but the sudden change was a little weird, Team tensed up every time the senior wasn't in his view for a period of time. Win asked him if anything was wrong but Team dismissed it as Win overreacting. Now, they were on their way to the mall.

"What do you think she'll like??" Dean asked as got past security and entered the mall

"Maybe you can get her a mug that says 'My brother is in the mafia' " Win teased

"Ay asshole shut up" Dean went to hit Win but he moved first and got away

"How about we all seperate and meet here in 2 hours? Dean and I can go choose a gift for Del." Pharm suggested

There were a series of okays before Dean and Pharm went away hand in hand. Win looked at them and smirked at Team "What?" Team asked
Win looked down at the boys hand suggestively. Team put his hand behind his back "Don't even think about it" He took a small step back "Go away. Not a chance.Go"

Win turned and started to walk "ooooooii you know me so well! "

Win turned and started to walk "ooooooii you know me so well! "

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Team smiled before following Win.

"P'Dean isn't that Del? " Pharm said looking in front. Dean followed his gaze and indeed it was Del she was just getting out of a jewelry store with one of her friends Manaow.

"Oh? Pharm? P'Dean? " Manaow chirped looking at them "what are you doing here? Are you here on a date?" She wiggled her eyebrows

"Noooo Manaow.... We're just shopping" Pharm said blushing a little.

Dean smiled at pharm then looked at Del, she was looking at Pharm, not making eye contact with Dean. She felt a little bad for ignoring him but the thought of him tying to hide such an important thing and not trusting her for years irritated her enough to keep going on. If she hadn't told him she knew he would have never told her.

"Del can we- " Dean was cut off

"I don't want to talk phi. Sorry na Pharm we'll talk later" She flashed him a smile "Let's go Manaow" She dragged the girl away behind her.

Dean felt bad, he knew he fully deserved it, he had relly hurt her without knowing it. Pharm looked up at him. He squeezed Dean's hand with both of his "It's okay na phi. Don't be sad.... Lets go find something nice for her" He tried to cheer the elder up.
Seven shops and three shopping bags later Pharm was standing outside one of the stores as Dean had gone to get them something to drink. Two of the bags had gifts for Del and the third one had shoes.

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