Promise you forever ☽༓・*˚ (part 1)

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(Three years later)

Team was sitting between Pharm and New. New had the window seat while pharm was sleeping in the side one. The plane would be landing in a few minutes.

All of them including Win, Dean, Max, Tul and Tay were going to an island where the Noppanuts owned two resorts. Initially they were planning to go to another place but then Win had insisted on going there, plus if they went there the stay would be free. Since the seniors had graduated from university that year and the juniors had their holidays going on they all had decided to go out for a small vacation for a few days. After getting down at the airport they took two cars to the port where they took a ferry to the island.

"Damn this bed is soft" Team breathed out as he let himself fall on it. He took a long strech, streching all the muscles he could and then letting out a moan of relief after relaxing them. It didn't last long as he fell to the ground with a thud.

"Hia! Why'd you kick me?" He asked irritated as he got in his knees and stood up

Win put a hand on his waist and looked at Team "We just came back after spending more than day travelling and your getting on the bed with the same clothes on

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Win put a hand on his waist and looked at Team "We just came back after spending more than day travelling and your getting on the bed with the same clothes on."

Team controlled a sigh, he knew what was coming next: don't get on the bed with your outside clothes, how many times have I told you? If your going to sleep on it there wear clean clothes.... Team repeated in his mind as Win continued.

"Don't get on the bed with your outside clothes, how many times have I told you? If your going to sleep on it there wear clean clothes or the bed will get dirty Teaaam."

"Aaah okay fine! I remember. I'll go change" He said opening his suitcase on the ground and choosing his clothes. Win smiled at him "Awe you angry with me? We can shower together"

Team sent Win a glare and then closed his suitcase, sending it rolling to the side of the room he locked the bathroom door behind him but not before letting out a grumpy "Change alone!"
Team stood infront of the bathroom mirror as he dabbed his hair with the towel. He scanned his reflection. The scars across his chest had refused to go. He lightly outlined one of them with his index finger. At the start he had really hoped that they would go away even after being told that they were most likely permanent but after a year and a half he had lost hope. They were going to stay there as a permanent reminder of what had happened.

Every once in a while when he looked at them he could feel the pain of that night coming back like a sudden shock or a in rhythm of pain before it would go away after a few minutes. But it was rare.

(Flashback :- )

Team was in his old bathroom, the one in P'Ahns house. Win had gone on a nine day trip with the swim team and wouldn't be back till tomorrow night. So instead of staying alone in the apartment he decided to come back here for a few days to stay with Ahn and her cats. Cats. His sister had adopted five cats from a shelter home in the span of the year he had moved to Hia Win's place! Not that he was complaining, he loved them all, they were all sweet.....exept the ginger one who had bit him after he finished feeding it on his first day there.

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