ep33: Always mine

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Day of shifting (Sunday):-

Team put the bags in the trunk of the car. His things had fit in two bags clothes, books and all. It was 1 in the afternoon, the sun was shining above him. He jogged up to P'Ahn who was standing by the door and hugged her, she hugged him back "You know I was only joking before right? Even if you and Win do breakup you'll find someone else. So don't hesitate in ever coming back."

They broke the hug "I know phi" He grinned "Don't be so negetive"

Ahn squeezed him in a short hug again "I'm going to miss you... " She smiled before releasing him from the deathly tight grip.

"Now get lost. And remember to lock the door next time or you're going to forever scar the poor soul who walks in on you both doing the nasty"

"PHI!" Team shot her a look before turning back at the car, no one had heard her.

Ahn was suppressing a smile, Team noticed it

"I have a gift for you"

"What is it?" He asked

"Oh you'll see" She said a little slyly.

Team narrowed his eyes at her "What is it?"

"Oi! I said you'll get to know afterwards na. Now go or your Hia's going to leave you here"

Win had come along with Dean to pick him up and was patiently sitting in the back seat as Team finished his goodbyes and opened the car door. He sat beside Win in the back as Dean drove. Dean had moved back into the apartments yesterday.
Team flopped onto the bed, laying down on his back. Win came in the bedroom after him, he dropped both of Teams bags on the ground. Win looked down at him "Get up. We'll go out for lunch today"

Team let out a breath, sounding exhausted when all they did was sit in a car "Five minutes" He groaned before looking up at Win "Do you want food immediately?"

The senior's frown turned into a smile, he climbed on top of Team, caging the boy between his arms. Team continued to look at him, not trying to move away. The way Team was starring at him gave Win butterflies. "Not really" He responded lowering himself closer to the boy, stopping only a few inches away from the others face. Win stared into Teams eyes but they weren't looking back at him, instead they were focused on the seniors lips.

Before he could think Team's hands shot upwards finding their place on the nape of Wins neck as he closed his eyes and pulled the other man down into an affection kiss. Their lips moved in unison, wins hands were gripping Teams shoulders as their lips continued to move against each other in perfect synchrony sending waves of electricity and heat throughout their bodies.

Team pushed the other away braking the kiss, his eyes were soft as he gazed at the person in front of him. Wins blond hair flowed down his head creating a sort of halo because of the light from the window. This lovely moment was interrupted when his stomach let out a loud inhuman growl. Win laughed as he kissed Teams cheek and got off the boy who was now turning pink "Come on. Let's get my baby some food"


After lunch they went out shopping since the kitchen was almost empty. When they came back it was already evening. Team bought the bags to the kitchen with Win coming up behind him they started to stock the cabinets and fridge.

"Team. This whole cupboard is empty, you can put your clothes in here na" Win said as they entered the bedroom "I'm going to have a bath"

Team responded with an "Okay" And started to unpack as Win went into the bathroom. The first thing he saw on opening his bag was a black gift box kept on top of all his clothes. Was this the present P'Ahn was talking about? As much as Team wanted to open it then and there he kept it aside for later and started putting his clothes in the cupboard.

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