ep 21: Siblings

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By afternoon Win, Team and Ahnong were the only ones in the hospital with Tay aside from the people the Mafia boss had posted outside for Tay's safety. They had sent the others back home saying that they all needed to rest. Ahn and Pharm didn't want to leave Team alone but he somehow convinced her that he'd be back in 2 hours.

"Sorry I had some work to handel. So what did you have to tell me?" Ahnong asked the two boys as she entered the room and sat down on the sofa.

Win took out the folded letter and picture from his pocket and handed it to her. Her expression didn't change as she read the letter. "Someone left this in Pao's bag on Tuesday....Do you know the guy there?" Win asked

The mafia boss scanned the letter and image with a cold gaze for multiple seconds before shaking her head "No, I'm almost sure this isn't one one my subordinates but I can't say a hundred percent......Nahm!!" She called out.

Immediately a woman entered the room and strode up to them. Ahnong handed her the Polaroid and letter "Nahm check if the person in this picture is one of our men and get me information on him."

She gave a nod "The information will be on your desk by tomorrow morning" Ahnong gave her a nod and with that Nahm left the room.

"You guys could have come to me earlier too you know" She said looking at the two boys standing in front of her. Team was fiddling with his fingers looking at his feet "That's my fault phi.... I didn't tell anyone about it. I thought it'll create unnecessary havoc, I-"

"It's not your fault Team. It's okay" She cut in calmly before leaning forward and tugged at the boy's arm, making him to sit next to her. Win was about to move to the seat next to him when he was stopped with a :

"It's all Wins fault for dragging you into this mess, I can't believe someone was able to sneak this in your bag while he was around" by Ahnong. Then she turned to him "Your more useless than I thought Win"

He stood there open mouthed betrayal!!

"Phi! " He exclaimed "I know it's partially my fault but how could you say that? As my sister your supposed to be taking my side!!"

Ahnong frowned at him "Between by brother and future brother-in-law I choose my future brother-in-law"she waved a dismissive hand towards him and scooted towards Team.

Teams ears turned pink as he turned wide eyed to Ahnong. Win smirked and walked to sit next to Team. He swung his legs above the hand-rest of the sofa and layed down on Team's lap. "You chose my husband over me! I'm offended sister dearest" He said dramatically.

"Whose your husband?!" Team snapped

"You are" Win responded grinning as he saw his Pao flush.

Team huffed "You wish!"

Win propped himself up on his elbows, leaving little distance between their faces, Teams eyes widened as the senior started to close the distance between their lips but before he could do anything more he fell on the ground with a thud.

Ahnong leaned back and laughed as Win looked up at the two of them from the ground "What was that for?!" He asked rubbing his ass. Team grinned down at him "That's what you get for trying to act smart"

"Taayy!! My friend!!" Win cried dramatically running over the the bed "Wake up before I get bullied by these two any more!"

Win yelped as someone hit the back of his head again "Let him rest. I'm going out to check when we can take Tay back. If anything happens then call me"

He looked up at Ahnong "Stop hitting me on the head! What if I become dumb?"

Ahnong rolled her eyes and went to the side murmuring something under her breath. You have to be smart in order to become dumb.

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