ep 3 : maxtul

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(𝙏𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫 :-   )

Team was sitting between new and Max.
He was on his third drink. Looking at his friends, Max was already drunk after his second drink. He definitely couldn't hold his alcohol. Yet he was the one who suggested they come here.

Pharm was just tipsy. Team could see Pharms cheeks flushed pink even in the changing lights of the club, he still handled his alcohol better than Max.
New, seemed sober.

Max put a drunk arm on Pharms shoulder, he pulled Pharm closer and bought his face to the boy's ear as if whispering something. The only thing was that he spoke loud enough for all of them to hear what he was saying " You know.....I really really like him " He said in his drunk state.

"You like me? " Pharm asked cheekly, "Too bad Maxie my heart is already taken"

Max shoved Pharms shoulder lightly "No silly. I like 𝘩𝘪𝘮 but I think he likes someone else..." Max pouted, his voice came out cracked. "He likes someone else. Why can't he like meeee?" He let out a groan of frustration and then suddenly started to lightly sob on Pharms shoulder

Team felt bad for him. Just as he was about to turn Max around and console him a hand came on his mouth and pulled him back "Shhh" The person whispered in Teams ear sending goosebumps down his spine. That voice Team thought.

"Hi cutie" the guy whispered again. He let go of team and stepped a little forward so Team could see him. Just as he had suspected. Win. Team opened his mouth to speak but the other signalled for him to keep quiet then tapped his ear signalling for the junior to listen to something, Team shut his mouth.

He saw Tay and Tul standing behind Win. Both of them looking at Pharm and Max. Tul looked like he had just been slapped across the face.

Win was wearing all black. Black shirt black jeans, the first few buttons of his shirt were open exposing his perfect collar bones. His earings shining under the club lights.

His all black outfit make his dyed blonde hair prominently stick out, the front of his hair was combed back into a small messy yet perfe-

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His all black outfit make his dyed blonde hair prominently stick out, the front of his hair was combed back into a small messy yet perfe-

Team was pulled out of his thoughts and back to reality as Max's sobs deepened and grew louder.
"W-why can't h-h-he like me Pha-arm? Whyy? " His words came out broken.

(𝙏𝙪𝙡'𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫 :-   )

He and Dean had been keeping a close eye on Win the whole day. That morning a few men had tried to attack Win, Tul was informed that the men were from the White leopard. Their rival Magia group, their boss had recently died in a shootout and his son had taken over the gang's charge.

The main problem was that no one had ever seen the son. It's rumoured that he was bought up out of the country for his safety and has returned back to take his fathers place. No one had any idea about his looks or even his age.

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