ep13: Tuesday

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𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙜𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧, 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙞𝙩 ✨

Team was sitting with his hands and head down on the table. He wanted to sleep!!

That morning he had to wake up early, P'Ahn was not joking when she said she'd throw water on them. Team had opened his eyes a little when he heard her enter the room for the third time, the mug of water he saw trained above their heads had got him and Pharm rolling out of bed.

Now all of them were seated around a table on campus. Team didn't hear what they were talking about, he was too busy trying to slip into dreamland.

He woke up when he tasted something salty in his mouth. He opened his eyes and sat up. His vision was still blury, team gently rubbed his eyes to clear his vission. He realized there was a half lays chip in his mouth he instinctively ate it. Still confused from just waking up he rubbed his eyes agin Was he still draming?

He realised he was awake when he heard Pharm laughing in front of him. Oh right. He had been sleeping on the table. What happened?

His head snapped to the side when he realised his back was supported up by someone's hand. Win was sitting there with a grin and a small open packet of yellow lays one hand.
So that's were the chip came from.

"I told you he'd eat it " Pharm giggled to Win.

Team started to catch on to what was happening "Hiiaa!"

Win laughed "Sorry pao, Pharm said that you would eat lays even in your sleep, I had to try it out"

Team puffed his cheeks at the two of them. He snached the packet of lays from Win's hand and turn to face the other side with a "hmp" before eating the chips. His sleep now gone.

"Oooii, is my pao angry?" Win teased from behind. He slid his hands around teams waist and pulled his back into his chest. Win rested his chin on Teams shoulder. Team let him but didn't turn to face him he continued to look away and eat the lays.

"Give some to me too" Win said into his ear when team didn't respond Win smirked "I'm hungry, so it's either the chips im going to eat or you. You decide"

Team stopped eating as he he realised what win meant. He blushed as he felt a hand slowly moving down from his stomach. Team immediately turned and shoved a few chips into Wins open mouth.

He let go of team trying not to accidently choke on one of the pieces
"Ay Pao!"

"That's what you get " Team stuck out his tongue.

As team was laughing he saw a familiar figure walking near one of the buildings.
"Take this Hia I'll be back" He said handing win the now empty lays packet.

"Ay Team where are you go.." Max called after him but he had already ran out of earshot "...ing"

Win watched as team went up to a boy and started talking with him. He couldn't make out who it was as team's back was blocking his view of the boy.

"Isn't that Sorn?" Pharm asked looking in the same direction
"It is Sorn isn't it, the one teams talking to?"

New followed Pharm gaze "Ya that's Sorn" He said casually

Pharm got up from his seat "Oh, I'm going to go and talk with them na. Bye, I'll be back soon" He said jogging up to the two

Sorn. Win thought frowning. A part of him thought that Sorn liked team as more than just friends another part knew that he was most likely being jealous because how close team was with the boy. Get over yourself , he told his mind. Team was his boyfriend so teams friends we're his friends, he couldn't be jealous of them.

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