ep 23 : Aftermath

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When Ahn parked the car Dean along with Tul and Max were waiting for them. When they got out the three boys went walking up to him, Tul spoke before anyone had the chance to say anything

"Max told us what happened. Believe me none of us had any idea about any of this .....if we had then we would have never let this happen really!"

They didn't say anything, the three were still quite angry at Win. Ahn forced a nod "We can talk about this later now all of you go to your class. You already missed the first one."

"Phi, Team left his bag here" Max said handing the red backpack to her. Ahn took it, thanked him and with that she got into the car and drove away.

Dean held onto one of Pharm's hands "Pharm believe phi na, we really didn't know about this"

Pharm honestly didn't know what to say a tiny part of him thought what if P'Dean is dating me because of something like that too? But that couldn't be possible, right? Dean loved him, he cared for Pharm...... But we all thought P'Win loved Team too yet he did it.

His mind wasn't clear at the moment his thoughts were still clouded with anger. He didn't want to say or do something he might regret later so he gently removed the seniors hands off him

"P'Dean as P'Ahn said the second lecture is going to start, we are going to be late, we can talk about this at lunch"

Before Dean could stop them Pharm grabbed New's hand and speed walked away from them. Max wasn't sure what to think either so while the two seniors were looking at his friends go slowly slipped away from beside Tul and ran to class.


(Teams Pov :- )

Team had gotten off the bed and had squeezed himself into a corner of his room. The curtains were drawn and it was dark, he tried to stiffle the sobbs that flowed out uncontrollably. The fears felt as if they were burning his eyes.

The continuous sobbing made his chest and stomach hurt. He wasn't even sure if it was because of his continuous cries or if it was the pain caused by Wins words.

He tried to get his breathing his breathing under control inhaling as much as he could through his nose and turn exhaling though his mouth after several minutes passed he could finally breathe properly.

It's okay Team, it's okay.....your fine shh.... It's okay.....your okay...everything's fine...

He repeated these words in his mind trying to calm himself down, he pulled his knees closer to his chest and layed his head on top of them. He knew he just needed to somehow get some rest his mind would sort itself out after that and he would be better but he wasn't able to sleep!!

Then there was a soft knock on his door "Team do you want me to come in?" Ahn's low voice came from outside. Team didn't answer after a few seconds of silence she continued "I'm coming in then team" She said waiting for for a few more seconds before he saw the knob turn slowly and then the door slowly open. His sister squeezed through the small gap she opened and locked the door back.

Ahn looked around for sometime in the darkness letting her eyes adjust before she realised that he wasn't on his bed, she looked around to find him huddled up in a corner.

Team felt an arm rest on his back. "Come on let's get up and go to bed Team, the floor is cold" She said gently tugging him upwards. He really didn't want to move from his place "please" Ahn added.

Team just lifted one hand, Ahn grabbed it and pulled him up onto his feet, taking him to the bed where he layed down "You want more pillows?" Team thought for some time then nodded.

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