Promise you forever ☽༓・*˚ (part2)

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The next day both of them got up at 7, they were all going to an aquarium that day. Win had gone there a few times with his family, before when he was young. But after his parents death he didn't have the courage to return to the place.

They owned a few resorts in the area, there was one with huts and small independent houses by the sea. That was the one in which he had always stayed when he used to come here with his parents. But since after his death he had only gone there once, after that he couldn't bring himself to return to the place.

The one in which they were currently staying was a normal six story beach resort, the beach was behind it. The place also belonged to his family but he hadn't stayed here before.

They payed for the tikets at the aquarium and went in. The lighting inside was dim, mostly lit up by the beautiful blue coming from the tanks. They all started walking around slowly looking at the various colourful marine life.

As win was observing the fishes a large, flat, white one he hadn't seen before swam right in front of his face. It's nose lightly bonked against the glass. It looked like it was smiling at him. Win reached his hand out to it but before he could touch the glass it turned and swam away. It's tail swayed sassyly before it went behind a coral.

"Pff-" He turned behind to see Team giggling. He had evidently seen the whole thing. "What's so funny?" Win asked, both hands in his pockets.

Team turned his phone screen towards him. It was a picture of the fish looking at Win and him staring back with his mouth agape, looking like an idiot. He immediately tried to grab the phone but Team was faster.
"Give me the phone!" Win said reaching out from behind him.

Team laughed "Ya right! I don't think so" He turned his back to win, quickly forwarding the image to the group chat.

"No! Delete it!"

Team suddenly turned around, his face a few inches from Win's "Get lost. I'm keeping it. Go away. It's mine" He kissed wins nose and ran away to where Tay, New and Max were standing. Win's brain on the other hand had stopped functioning for a good few seconds.

A strong slap on his back ruined the moment "Why are you standing here?" Win hissed at the sting, sending Tul a glare "Ai wen!" He cursed smacking Tul's hand with as much of force as he could. But the other didn't seem to mind as he wrapped his arm around Win's neck and dragged him to where the others were. Win stamped on his foot and Tays hands left his head.

Tul: "Where's Pharm and Dean?"

Team: "Oh ya, I haven't seen them for some time. Where are they?" All the boys started looking around for the missing couple.

"There" New said, pointing to a side of the hall.

Two figures who looked like Parm and Dean were standing in front of the tank in a corner making out.

"Ooh! That horny Dean! He should enjoy this trip with his friends!" Tay said shaking his head at the two.

Win raised an eyebrow at him "Really Tay?.....Then what are those red marks all over your neck?"
The rest of the day they all roamed the market area. They returned to the hotel in the evening. After changing their clothes the eight of them made their way to the beach to watch the sunset. Pharm and Dean were sitting by the beach while Max, Tul, Tay and New were splashing around and playing in the waves.

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