ep 20 : Coma

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(Win's pov :- )

Win was woken up by the continuous vibration of the phone. Ugh just let me sleep!! He thought irritated as he grabbed the phone from the side table. He opened his eyes a crack, just enough to see the green pick up button dancing on the screen and swipe up on it. He put the phone by his ear and spoke, it was usually one of his friends who called him early in the morning just to diss him off.

"Who the fuck is this? Why are you calling so early in the morning? This better be fucking important" He grumbled

There was silence for a few seconds on the other side before a voice shot back "This is the fucking person who will yeet you out of her brothers life if you don't have a good fucking reason for talking to me like that"

Win shot up on the bed sitting on his knees, eyes now wide open "P-Phi?" He stammered.

"And why do you have my brother's phone, he shouldn't even be awake this early." Ahn said from the other side, audibly pissed from the way her call was answered

Win immediately looked at the phone. It wasn't his, he had picked the wrong phone up. The first thing he did was jump out of bed and start pacing around the room as he spoke

"P'Ahn I'm sorry! I didn't see who was calling! I was sleeping and thought maybe Dean or someone was playing with me I'm sorry-"

"YOU WERE SLEEPING?!!" she whisper - screamed from the other side. "With my brother's phone beside you??! WHERE IS TEAM? I swear Win if you both did anything your so dead!!"

Win paled. He had wanted to make a good impression on Team's family and till now he had been introduced to his sister by Team getting choked, Team's life was in potential danger because of Win, he had been almost kidnapped twice, almost drowned once and had already gone to the hospital twice in a month.

To sum it up Win was already miserably failing at impressing his family and to add up to it all he accidently swore at P'Ahn and successfully made her misunderstand that he had sex with her brother. Wow...

"No No! Phi not like that. Wait I'll explain Pao-Team had a nightmare and couldn't sleep properly so I stayed with him untill he fell asleep and dozed off beside him! That's it I swear! Nothing else! "

Ahn was quiet for sometime before she spoke "Okay I believe you.... Where's Team? "

Win walked up to the sleeping boy. He looked so peaceful while sleeping even though his eyes were swollen. "He's still sleeping Phi " Win whispered into the phone while sitting on the side if the bed and pulling the covers up to Teams chin.

"Oh its okay don't wake him, let him sleep.Win... " Her voice changed into a more serious tone causing him to sit up straight.

"Krap Phi? " (Yes phi)

"It's about Tay..."

After they cut the call Win put the phone back down on the table. He sat there and stared at the floor letting a few tears roll down his cheeks before wiping them. He couldn't break down. He had to stay strong for team. What if Team had another panic attack seeing him cry? No. He couldn't let that happen.

Suddenly he say something move in the periphery of his vision. Win turned to see the empty lays packet from last night sliding on the floor because of the light breeze coming from underneath the door. He got up to throw the cover away.

(Teams pov:- )

Team woke up to the crunching sound of plastic. He rubbed his eyes, there was crusty stuff on the sides, he rubbed it off and peered his eyes open slowly. They were swollen half shut. It would take effort to hide this swelling. Team saw Win standing on the other side of the room with his back facing Team.

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