ep 31 : Parents

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Team was sitting in the living room, playing on his phone. He was alone in the huge house. The servants had finished their shift about an hour ago, P'Ahn was still not back, she had called the house phone saying that she may be late. Team had unplugged the chord to all the phones in the house after the call, the stupid shrill ring had nearly given him a heart attack! If someone wanted to call then they could do so on his phone. He ate another chocolate pocky and continued playing.

It was pouring outside, Team was feeling really cold so he wore his sweat pants and took one of his sisters hoodies. She took his clothes too, so he was almost sure she wouldn't mind him taking her hoodie. It's not his fault. She liked hoodies and had a warm-ass bundle of perfect cozy oversized ones.

A few minutes later the door bell rang

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A few minutes later the door bell rang. P'Ahn has the house keys, why is she making me get up??! Uugghh.

"Oi! Hia win?" Team exclaimed when he opened the door to find the senior standing outside, brushing a few drops of rain off his hair.

"Hi" Win grinned, he heard a honk from behind the man.

Team peaked over Win's shoulder to find Tul sitting in a car outside, he waved at Team and drove off after making sure Win was safely inside.

"What are you doing here? Why didn't you call me?" Team asked closing the door behind them as he felt the cold wind hit his face. Arms wrapped around his waist from behind as Win hugged him. "I missed you" Team was worried that Win would hear his heart beat if it slammed any harder in his chest.

He pulled off Win's hands and turned around, raising his eyebrows "Your plaster has been removed."

"Uhu" His eyes glittered "It feels so much better. Tomorrow I'll go to the uni and I can finally try to swim again!" Win looked estatic about it.

Team groaned, he wanted to go to campus too and he would have if he didn't have to take a holiday tomorrow. Win was looking at him, eyebrows raised as if he read Team's mind "You aren't coming tomorrow?"

"Nooh" Team sighed walking back to the couch. He didn't have to turn to know Win was right behind him "Why?!"

"Mom and dad came back to Thailand today afternoon, I have to go meet them tomorrow so I'll probably come the day after."

"What?! Your parents are back, why didn't you tell me?!" Win exclaimed sitting down beside him.

Team starred at him blankly for some time before he realised what he was refering to "Ah! They -uh they don't know about us.... It slipped out if my mind last time so I didn't tell you" He said, unsure how the other would feel about his parents not knowing about them, to his surprise win hummed understandably, he didn't look sad or offended "That's fine" He said rather dismissively before a thought hit him "They don't live with you?"

"No" Team turned to the other side and layed down on the sofa, his feet hanging out the other side while he placed his head on Wins lap. He looked into Win's eyes as he spoke "They never actually cared about us as long as we got good grades and didn't 'ruin the family image'. I don't even think they know that I like guys" Win brushed his fingers through team's hair.

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