ep 15 : David

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Win woke up the next morning, he felt around the bed for Team but found no one. Win opened his eyes, his room was empty. The ache in his arm told him that Team had definitely slept on it, so it wasn't a dream maybe he got up early he thought. The sun was already up. Warm morning light streamed through the window as he opened the curtains.

Win yawned and stretched before heading to the bathroom. After he freshened up he walked out of his room and went to Team's. When there was no response on knocking he slowly opened the room. It was empty. Win sighed and headed down to the main hall.

P'Ahn was the sitting on the kitchen island with a small boul of fruit. "Good morning Phi" He said coming down.

"Oh Good morning Win " She beamed. P'Ahn looked so much like team, they even had the same glowing smile but Team's was the only one in the world that could give him butterflies "do you know if the others are up yet? "

"Oh I didn't check phi" He said looking around. Ahn chuckled "Looking for Team?"

Win turned back to her, scratching the nape of his neck, a little embarrassed at getting caught "Yes... "

"He and Pharm are out practicing, they should be back in a few minutes" She said looking at the clock.
"Till then can you please tell me what you all usually have for breakfast? I have no idea what you guys like to eat! " She whined.

"Oh anything is fine phi, we're not picky with food" He smiled

"Morning " Dean's voice came from behind them as he sat on the island chair one away from Win.

"Good morning " They both said in unison just as the backdoor opened.
Team and Pharm came in covered in sweat and panting.

"P'Dean?" Pharm huffed noticing the two seniors sitting on the table, his eyes widened. Dean smiled at him "Good morning"

"Where's David? " Ahn asked as the two of them entered
"He's on his way" Team responded, leaving the door open behind him.

"I'm going to take a shower." Pharm said quickly trying to get past the table to the stairs he hadn't wanted Dean to see him all sweaty and smelly!! He was tired and really wanted to sit for some time but he couldn't stay like this in front of Dean.

Unfortunately or fortunately for him Dean caught him before he could slip away "Your panting Pharm, sit down for sometime your supposed to wait atleast 20 minutes after a workout before you shower you know" Dean said gently pulling Pharm closer by his waist and wiping the sweat off his neck with the hand towel that was on Pharm's shoulder.

"Phi I'm sweaty. Your going to get dirty because of me" He argued trying to push back. Dean simply smiled and continued to dab the towel on the juniors forehead.

"Ppphhiii Aaahhnnn!! My dearest sister" Team said spreading both his arms with his hand-towel in one hand.
Ahn's eyes widened as she turned to him holding her fork out like a weapon.

"Won't you give your younger brother a hug? I'm so tired..... Come here " He said as an evil smile spread across his face.

"Don't you fucking dare Team, not before you have a bath. I'll kill you before anyone else has a fucking chance" She said already half off the seat, still holding the fork out, ready to run at any point. Team's smile widened.

They laughed as Team chased Ahn around the hall "For heaven sake team Win in standing right there!! Go hug him!" She said looking over her shoulder, Team was at her heels. She cursed and ran towards the table pulling Win between her and Team. "Sorry Win" She said from behind him. Win spread his arms ready to catch the running boy.

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