ep 14 : Nightmare

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Win was running. He was running as fast as he could. Panting as he fought for every breath not willing to slow down. His heart was racing. He couldn't let them get him. There was no one he could scream to for help. It was the middle of the night, he was running on the road. Even if someone had been there they couldn't have helped him. There were just too many of them. The yellow street lights that did little to light the path started to flicker. He could hear the pounding footsteps behind him getting closer.His bottom lip had been torn open, the blood now dried. He was hardly able to see anything as tears flowed down his cheeks. He was scared.
A disgusting sound was made as metal hit skin and Win let out a scream as he fell down onto the gravel. One of the men chasing him had gotten close and hit his leg with an iron rod. Win lay there clutching his leg groaning in pain. The blond screamed as another man grabbed his good leg and started to drag him away. He squirmed desperately trying to free himself. Then there was a brief flash of metal "NOO!" Win yelled as the first man lifted the rod above his head and started to bring it down, aiming to pearce Win's chest with it. Tears were streaming down his face as he let out a blood curtling scream.

"HIA! Nooo!! " Team screamed sitting straight up on his bed. He was sweating. Tears flowing down his face. It was just a nightmare he realised Just a nightmare.
He could feel his heart still hammering in his chest. It had been a dream. No one was chasing Win. Win is safe, sleeping in his room.

Team realised he was trembling. He took the glass of water from his side table and drank it. Every time he closed his eyes the image Win being dragged on the road came in flooding in his mind. There was no way he could sleep like this. It was all because of that stupid picture. He wouldn't let them hurt P'Win.

He decided to go once and check on Win, seeing him safe and asleep would help him calm down. He wouldn't wake him up just make sure he's here and then come back to sleep.

Team didn't even bother wiping the tears as he tip-toe ran down the hall to Win's room. He stood outside the door to his room, slowly turning the handle trying to be as quiet as possible, he entered the room closing the door behind him.

The room was darker than the corridoor, it took him some time to get his eyes adjusted to the lighting. After a few seconds he slowly made his way to the bed trying not to trip over anything. Team had stoped trying to control his shaking hands after a few failed attempts.

All he could see was a big pile of blankets on the bed. Win was cocooned in the middle of it. Team slowly walked over, to the other side of the bed, he saw Win's face poking out from beneath his sheets. The little light coming from the gap between the curtains allowed Team to see the messy blond hair sticking out in every direction, team could faintly hear Win's steady breathing, it calmed his racing heart. Team bent down on his knees and tucked a strand of blond hair covering Win's eyes behind his ear. He looks just like a baby when he's sleeping.
Win had been sleeping when he was woken up by the sound of the door handle turning. There was no noise for a few seconds, he was just about to fall back to sleep when he heard the door close. It was definitely the door to his room. Someone had come in his room. He lay still, pretending to be asleep as the person came shuffling slowly near him.

He opened his eyes a little to see a figure moving towards the bed. Team?

He couldn't see his face clearly because of the little light but it was unmistakably his boyfriend. Win closed his eyes, hiding a smile, curious to see what he would do. There was nothing for some time, no sound no movement then he felt a finger brush against his forehead, tucking his hair behind his ear. Win cracked his eyes open just enough so that the other doesn't notice. Team stiffened as Win stirred and swung his arm around Teams soulder. He held his breath, team thought maybe Win was shifting in his sleep. He gently tried to remove the arm from on top of him but ended up half on the bed as he was pulled in closer. His back pressed against Win's chest

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