ep 10 : Jealous

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(Third persons pov :- )

"The first day I saw you coming down the stairs, laughing along with your friends, I had fallen in love with you. Your smile, your eyes, your voice, I had fallen in love with every part of you. Never before have I ever felt this way towards anyone. You are an angel, the most beautiful and bright in my eyes. I love you"

*Team takes his hand. Alex swings team to the centre of the stage.*

Team : " I love you too "

*They both come closer and hold each other, tilting their head in a way shuch that to the audience they appear to be kissing. Slowly tilted their head opposite to each other. There was a gap between their face *

That's when things went wrong. Team saw wide eyed as Alex was pulled off him causing Team to fall on his butt. Win was holding the surprised boy's collar, looking furious. He punched Alex across the face and let him fall down.

Win had come to the the drama club to meet Team but when he entered the club he saw Team and another boy who he recalled was called Alex standing on the empty stage. He listened as Alex confessed about liking Team since the first day he saw him.

He walked down the stairs listening to the confession, waiting for Team to reject the boy but when Team said he loved him too and they started kissing Win was heartbroken.

Dean tried to hold him back but missed, Win ran onto the stage and yanked the boy by his collar serving a punch on his face.

"HIA!" Team screamed getting up to help Alex "What are you doing?"

Win heard a few people come out from backstage calling his and Alex's name. Team got up, blocking Alex from him as Del and Sorn examined the formers face.


Win was furious. He was the one who had been cheated on. He should be the one who's angry not the other way round!!
Dean held his arm before he did anything he would regret.

"What do you mean what's wrong with me?! HE KISSED YOU!"

Team realised what had happened, Win must have seen them acting and gotten confused.

"No hia, let me explain w-"

"I don't need your stupid explanation I saw everything Team! Your full of lies......Is this why you didn't want the others to know about us? Because you were too busy two timing with this guy?!" He whispered the last part. Trying to keep his voice under control.

Team was taken aback by the amount of venom in Win's voice. He felt his own anger rising, not wanting to make a scene here he shot Win a hurt look.

"So thats what you think of me Hia? A two timing liar?....Thanks for letting me know." Team spat as he speed - walked out of the auditorium.

"How could you say that?" Win saw Sorn glaring at him.

He scoffed and started arguing, he would have beat the hell out if Alex and maybe even Sorn if it wasn't for Dean holding him in place.

"BECAUSE ALEX IS MY BOYFRIEND!" Del yelled at him, enraged. She had tried to talk it out with him but he wouldn't fucking listen to her!

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