ep17 : Friday Play

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___[Time skip to Friday]__

Team couldn't breathe properly, he felt as if there was something pressing down on him and restricting his airway. His eyes shot open eyes open, blinking a few times before his vision cleared. Team looked down.

Indeed there was something...more like someone crushing him. Win was sleeping on top of Team's chest. He tried to move from under him but Win was too heavy plus Team's hand had become numb.
He turned to look at the time 6:55𝚊𝚖.

Yesterday Win had come into his room and sprawled down onto his bed to sleep without team having to ask for him to. That night Team had had another nightmare that caused him to sit up with a start, gasping for air in the middle of the night before he was cradled into a peaceful sleep by Win who had been woken up by Team's thrashing.

"Hia..." Team croaked trying to wake the other up "Hiaa..."

"Hmmm" The other hummed still half asleep

"I can't breathe... "

It took some time for Win to understand what he was saying, once he did his eyes shot open scanning his surroundings. He realised he was laying chest first on top of Team and rolled off to the juniors side.

Team took a deep breath as he felt the weight lift off him "oooh Hia! You fatty I couldn't even move!" Team teased.

Win smirked moving closer to Team, he gently bit his earlobe "There are better things I can do after which you won't be able to move" He whispered sliding his hand down Teams torso and playing with the waistband of his shorts.

Hearing Win's voice on his neck sent vibrations all thought his body. His eyes widened as he realised what the others hand was doing. His head automatically snapped towards Win who started laughing at Teams reaction. Team sat up and threw his pillow on Wins face "You flirt!" He growled before hitting him with the pillow again. This time Win caught his arm and tackled Team down positioning himself on top of him. He pinned both his hands above his head.

"Only for my Pao" He whispered, slowly leaning closer

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"Only for my Pao" He whispered, slowly leaning closer. Team felt his ears burn, their faces were less than two inches apart. He could feel Wins hot breath on his face, the other grinned looking at Team going red.
Such a tease! Team screamed in his mind before kneeing the other where the sun doesn't shine.

"Ooiiiii Paaoo!! " Win whined immediately letting him go and falling to the side again with his hands over his crotch. Team sat up and smacked Win with the pillow again "You think your being real sneaky huh?".

Win laughed "sorry sorry"

Since today evening he would be performing and Pharm had to make a lot of snack boxes with the cooking club for them, Ahn had decided to give them both a day off training.

Team got up and went to the washroom to brush his teeth, when he came out he found Win still sleeping on the bed. He smiled mischievously before jumping up and down on top of the bed to wake Win up. He felt like nemo from 'Finding Nemo' on his first day of school jumping on top of Marlin.

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