ep30 : I'm there

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He was walking down a small stone path, immediately he recognised it, how could he ever forget? It was the path that lead back to the beach house. Win walked towards the hut he stayed in with his parents. He was too scared to sleep alone in his own hut, so he shared one with his parents instead. He entered the place grinning widely as he saw his uncle sitting on the chair outside playing cards with Ahnong.

"Where's mom and dad?" Win asked standing by the door

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"Where's mom and dad?" Win asked standing by the door.

Ahnong looked up at him "They went for a ride. Did you forget?"
His uncle turned back too "They took the car."

Win had a bad feeling in his stomach, that's when he remembered the accident No! No God please not again! They'll die! I won't let them go this time.
Win raced out of the hut and started running towards the road, the scenery around him changed he ran as fast as his feet would allow him, fear gripping his sides. He saw their car! There it was! He could see his parents, both laughing happily as they drove ahead. Win couldn't describe how he felt at the moment, his parents....They were there alive infront of him. He was beyond happy.
There was a sudden loud sound. Win looked up to find his parents car turned upside down, off the road. "DAD!! MAE!!"he cried running up to them. But his parents weren't there, there was no one in the car. His phone started to ring, the caller ID showed uncle Mark "H-hello?" Win stammered, tears still rolling down his cheeks. He could already feel it before his uncle told him, the despair and pain pooling in his chest. "Your parents died..." He threw the phone away from him and fell to his knees, whimpering and crying as he leaned against the inverted car for support.

"Hia" a voice rang out few minutes later. Win wiped his tears and sat up looking around for the person who the voice belonged to. There, a little away from him he saw Team standing, holding another man's hand. "P-pao?" Win put his hand forward, asking for team to take it "Pao come here" But team didn't move, he smiled silently down at Win, the unknown man pulled Team closer towards himself "Let's go babe, he's clearly sad. We'll come back to see your friend when he's fine" Team hummed in response and turned away from Win.

The surroundings changed again and he was in a dusty wherehouse. Sorn was standing in front of him holding a phone in one hand, recording something. Win already knew what was about to happen next....seven men came out from the shadows behind him menacing smiles plastered on all their faces. He tried to struggle but his is hands were tied behind his back, there was almost no way he could fight them or defend himself. Suddenly he felt a sharp spasming pain in his thigh.

Win woke up heaving. It was just a dream, he almost smiled in relief before realising that the pain in his thigh was still there. He was having a cramp. Win quickly massaged the area. It was on the leg that wasn't sprained, he lifted his foot, moving it until he felt the cramp go away.

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