„Dear Diary,
I know I said that I won't write into this. BUT I am currently sitting alone in a compartment in the train and I am bored. More bored than writing is. So I thought I should write down what happened and why am I even sitting in a train... :0
I am a witch. Not like Matilda, this weird girl, like an actual witch with hats and robes and even brooms (To fly around!!! That is crazy) and cauldrons to make poison in. I can't wait to brew my first ever potion! :D
We got the news on my eleventh birthday, when I was in a bad mood because Guzman kept teasing me :( (Guzman is my brother if you wonder) but then all of a sudden this strange woman stands in front of our door and tells me that I am special (which I always knew by the way) and a witch!!! How crazy is that!!!???
We all didn't believe it at first and thought someone is making a huge joke. Then she transformed into a cat. She was even as a cat very strict looking. I do think she is a fun person to be around. I mean everyone that can transform into a cat must be a cool person right??? :DD
So we went to a strange place where all this exciting stuff was, such as my first wand and all these weird creatures with even stranger money. I got robes and a hat and even books. It was such a crazy experience to walk through the alleys and see all these shops. Guzman was mad because he isn't a wizard. Serves him right for teasing me!
Also we saw Goblins, they are real as well and I heard someone talk about dragons. HOW COOL IS THAT??
Then people informed us, that in order to get to Hogwarts you need to get onto a train. We couldn't find the train at first because it had a strange name and I almost sat into the wrong one until papà finally remembered what we need to do.
We needed to run into a wall. CRAZY! BUT SO FUN!!! I hoped the wall wouldn't let Guzman in, because he isn't magical, but the wall let him through :(
The train drives to Hogwarts (my school) and what I heard and read about it, it should be huge and magical. There are even portraits that can talk and move!!!
I can't wait to do magic!!! I will be a great witch.
And urgh, I don't want to write anymore this is toooooooo exhausting. "

LILAC (Fred Weasley)
Fanfiction~He was red and I was blue and together we created a lilac sky~