Chapter 03

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„Dear Diary,

I am in Hogwarts now. Actually I am in Hogwarts since a month now. And I really could use a friend. It's not like no one talks to me, but no one really ask me to be their friend yet and I feel lonely :(

I tried to ask some older students for some directions once and they just ignored me and laughed. They were so mean to me :( Sometimes it feels like I don't belong here and would be better off in the "Muggle World".

Oh a Muggle is someone who can't do magic. Just so you know. So you would be a muggle actually. Sorry :/

But you can be cool as a muggle too! You just can't practice magic.

OHH! I am now able to do a little bit of magic. My first lessons were so cool.

Wait wait, I need to start from the beginning.

So at my first day, we had to drive with these boats over a river to a castle on a hill. Hogwarts is a real castle! (You are allowed to freak out, I did too :D) And this really big man helped us into the boats, he had a strange accent, but he was so sweet and caring. There also was this boy. We sat together in the same boat and he always squirted water at me and my hair, no matter how often I told him to stop.

He just laughed and when we arrived I was completely wet. :( This boy then got scolded by the stern witch, whose name is McGonagall. But don't you dare just refer to her as that, always address her and all the others with professor. Otherwise they look mad at you.

We got into this huge hall and there we got sorted. There are four houses that you could belong into. Gryffindor the brave and reckless ones. Hufflepuff the caring and kind ones. Slytherin the ambitious and cunning ones. Ravenclaw the smart and curious ones.

I really had no idea where I belong to. I kind of believed the hat (that sorted) would put me into Gryffindor because of my temper. My mamá always says I should watch my tongue. That is impossible. My nose is in the way!

Guess where I got sorted into? Okay I'm telling you, it's Ravenclaw! The hat really believes I am smart enough, take that you lame muggle teachers!!! :D

Sometimes I still doubt I am right in Ravenclaw, because if you want to get into the common room, you have to answer questions. I never had a single one right and I always have to wait for others to help me out. One time I cried because no one opened when I knocked and when I asked someone to help me, they just said they aren't Ravenclaw and left. :'(

I was so hopeless and I didn't have any friends to help me out, so I just stood there and cried. Until two boys came around. They are twins, which is kind of cool, because you can mess with people. They saw me crying and asked me what was wrong. I explained to them what happened and they then helped me to find a way into the common room :) They were very nice.

An older brother of them had to help out, so I finally got into the room. I don't get why every teacher thinks they are troublesome. They are really nice and I always have to laugh when we have lessons with them.

I am also not sitting alone. There is this girl beside me that also seems to be a bit lonely sometimes. Maybe we can get friends, should I ask her??

Her name is Gemma and she has this really cool hair. It's so curly. Do you think she will let me touch it?? No what am I even saying, that is weird. I better not ask her that, I don't want to make her think I am a freak.

I am not a freak, just so you know.

Our head of house Professor Flittwick, is a really funny man. He is so small and has this squeaky voice and he told me I am not a freak when I asked him if the hat might have made a mistake. He is a very nice man. I like him a lot.

Oh it's late, I better get to my common room. Wish me luck that I can get the password this time.

I really hope I make some friends.

Maybe making you as my friend isn't such a bad idea after all.



The first few pages where easy to read, here and there a few spelling mistakes and way too many exclamation marks. Jean feels reminded of her own writing style when she attended a muggle school in her younger years, because her mother thought it was a good idea for her to get some muggle knowledge as well.

It wasn't bad at all, since Jean attended the school together with Rose. The daughter of Hermione and Ron. Hermione was also convinced that a muggle school would be a great idea for Rose. They became good friends and the one who had the most out of this arrangement was their grandfather Arthur. He always was giddy and excited when they brought self-made stuff home.

The way he saw them as geniuses for the simplest things makes Jeans heart swell a bit. How she loved that man.

A small smile is plastered on her face as she stumbles over a huge time gap, seeable at the date and the handwriting. So her mother really wasn't that persistent in writing after all. 

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