„Dear Diary,
Fred Weasley really is the smoothest motherfucker out there!
For you to understand I need to explain this to you exactly:
I sit in Charms as I usually do. The seat next to me is empty. I'm pissed at Gemma for deciding to get sick. I know it's not her fault at all, but it sucks to be alone in a class when you usually just turn to her. It's even worse when someone decides to settle down next to you on that place. Come on, you can settle down on your usual seat. That empty seat isn't an invitation, what is this person even thi-. Mierda! A red haired twin. I look at the boy bewildered and blink for some time.
He turns and smiles at me and it is that moment when I realize it is Fred. What is he doing beside me?
"Uhm not to sound unfriendly or anything, but why are you sitting here?," I look at him and put out my parchment.
"Well, I look at this row from the opposite side of the room for almost three years now, wanted to know how it feels to sit here and stare that way," he points into the direction where he usually sits with George.
"Alright, but wouldn't George mind?," when Fred stares back at me I quickly look down on my quill as if it suddenly got very interesting.
"He would, but unfortunately for him he called in sick," the boy sighs: "And by the look of it in the Hospital Wing, Gemma did too."
"Yes. She looked horrible in the morning. I hope both of them feel better soon."
"With Poppy? Sure. She just needs to look at the sickness and it is scared because of the sternness and will leave," he leans back and runs a hand through his hair.
I snicker at his reference and quickly a smirk spreads on his lips, pleased that he made me laugh.
"Alright class, can I get your attention please? Today we will be learning cheering charms. Some of you are usually cheered up by Mr. and Mr. Weasley- where are they today? Both of them sick?," Flitwick looks at the rows where the twins usually sit next to Angelina.
"Don't worry," Fred chirps up beside me: "The better one is still here."
He gives the professor a wink, who looks confused at the completely different seating arrangement.
"Well let's hope Mr. Weasley that you won't bring too much trouble to Mrs. Suarez," Flitwick says with a slight stern look.
"If we are honest, Mrs. Suarez is more trouble for me anyways."
My heart flutters. Calm down, he just means this as a joke. He isn't serious. Right?
"Just don't make too much trouble today," Flitwick waves the matter of: "Anyways, back to the point. Cheering..."
I try to concentrate on the professor and the facts he gives us to write them down. Though someone next to me manages it almost naturally to shift my focus. When his elbow accidently touches my arm, or when he stretches, when he furrows his eyebrows, when he sighs, when he leans back and especially when he looks in my direction.
Suddenly he leans on my shoulder and whispers: "I can now understand why you like to sit here."
"What-w-what do you mean?," I ask, still writing, trying to keep up with Flitwick.
"I mean you can really good see me from here, never realized that. I get why you often look that way," as if he didn't just drop a fucking bomb he leans back and starts writing again.
My heart almost explodes in my ribcages. Does he know I?
"Mrs. Suarez, would you like to explain to the class what I just showed?," for the first time in my life, I dislike Flitwick for this move.
"I'm sorry Professor, I wasn't-"
"I realized, better focus, this might be part of the exams at the end of the year."
I nod and look back onto my parchment. Fred next to me chuckles and slides a piece of paper over to me. I try to ignore him now. I don't want to get into trouble any further. But his persistent look on me, makes it unbearable not to look.
"I need your help with a muggle problem."
I write back: "What problem?"
He grins at the paper and writes for a while, lost in thought before he slides it back to me.
My heart skips a beat presumably.
"It's X+U=25. That's math right? And you need to get an answer to the letters. I have an idea. But I don't know if it's true? I assume X=15, because U clearly is a 10."
God bless my mamá for giving me tanned skin, because otherwise he would have seen my cheeks glow red.
After I collected my thoughts again I write an answer back.
"No you are wrong. X clearly is a 12, because I am 13 :P"
When I move the paper over to the boy, he lets out a laugh that fills me with joy. I love to hear him happy.
Unbelievable, but it actually happened. Maybe it's just the way he is with everyone. A natural flirt and all that, but honestly? That doesn't feel like normal. Is it crazy of me to think that he actually might want something from me as well? Should I go for it and ask him out to Hogsmeade? Like a date? I saw older students doing it and well maybe we could go there together as well and if we somehow don't know what to do, we will simply walk to our friends. I have that all figured out.
Is that too cheesy? Who cares though. I shouldn't care what others think about it. I should just do what I want to do. What my heart tells me to do. What my mind agrees to. Just that my mind and heart have debates on that topic since a while.
Also Ron approached me today and asked me if he could see my Chudley Cannons card collection. When I told him that I don't own anything from them he got super embarrassed and red. Almost the same shade his hair has. He hurried away to his best friend Harry. I'm sure Fred and George made a joke.
Poor boy, has a lot on his plates with his brothers.
Therefore, Sean and I will buy Ron a few fan articles on our next Hogsmeade trip and gift them to him to make up for his brothers. Sean somehow established himself as a self-made watchdog for the smaller students. Especially in Hufflepuff the younger ones look up to him. It's so sweet.
I have to go and visit Gemma now in the Hospital Wing.

LILAC (Fred Weasley)
Fanfiction~He was red and I was blue and together we created a lilac sky~