Dear Diary,
I haven't slept very well. My mind was occupied with what would happen now. Kenneth could tell the whole school what a bitch I am and everyone could turn their backs on me for that. Everyone believed that he and I are an official couple and maybe in some way we were, and therefore they will treat me like a whore for cheating. I did not intent for that to happen. Just lucky that it was Fred and not a third person to make it even more complicated. Ha, that would be a plot.
In the morning Gemma made sure I was feeling alright. She is the only one you knew about my break up with Kenneth. I even told her about Fred. It felt good to finally confide in her. She wasn't amused about my dishonesty to Kenneth, but she understood my reasoning. She then said something that baffled me.
"I was scared it would take way more boys for you to understand your feelings for Fred."
I stop in my tracks and look at her. Other students walk past us into the Great Hall. She realizes I don't follow her anymore and stops as well.
"What do you mean?"
"Please Jade. I am not dumb, I could see how you longed to be near him. How you and him tried to be by one another and suddenly Kenneth should have been the one? You went out of his way any possibility you got and let's be honest, you two have nothing in common. Except maybe being delusional."
"Geez", I start to laugh. "Where is that fierceness when needed?" I nudge her.
Gemma rolls her eyes. "It is needed right now. So stop changing the topic. What will happen now. Between you and Fred I mean?"
We start to walk again, I bite on my lip. "Well for once, we should bring that friendship back and hopefully talk more openly now. I don't want any more drama and maybe it can lead to a more serious direction."
"I don't get you. Just get that boy. You want him, he wants you. What's stopping you?"
Guilt is the word I wanted to say. But being that honest is not on my bucket list today.
"Nothing is stopping me. It's just for the best."
"What's for the best?" Sean looks at us, as we settle down beside him at the Hufflepuff table.
"To kidnap you and make you our obedient server", I say.
"Isn't that what I already am?"
"What should Sean be?" Louis settles down beside him. "What have I missed?"
"We just talked about kidnapping." I grab some tea and toast.
"Sounds fun. I'm in."
We look at him and break into laughter. Then there is a tab against my shoulder. I turn and look into the faces of twins. Louis and Sean grow more curious.
"Is this lovely seat taken or can we settle down?", asks Fred, though he already makes himself comfortable next to me.
Gemma throws me a knowing look and I wish I would have never told her. She can be a tease when she has a good phase.
"What's the occasion for your sudden visit?" Louis reaches for the coffee and pours the twins some.
"Nice of you to show yourself to us again." Sean gives them some bread.
"We were occupied previously. I apologize for the lack of good looking lads in your group." Fred flashes us a grin.
"Also the four of you seemed to have been divided for some time, we didn't want to interfere", George takes a bite from his bread.

LILAC (Fred Weasley)
Fanfiction~He was red and I was blue and together we created a lilac sky~