„Dear Diary,
Something I always wondered was how it must feel for people who are in the middle of an adventure.
You know, like all those characters in a good book that from one day to another are tossed into an adventure and have to figure out how to eventually win a fight without dying.
Usually the characters complain about the task given... I never got why they would do so, they have been given a great opportunity to get out of a boring life, however that made me wonder.
It is true that we tend to complain about hard tasks or inconvenient life situations. So what if we all had at one point the start of an adventure but we just didn't follow along because we found it too weird, hard or even unfair to even begin with?
In the end all those characters in the book go back to their normal lives as if nothing ever happened and the one person who tragically left their life was cherished but soon almost forgotten.
So, what makes the difference between their adventure and our normal life? I think it's the fact that we can watch it from afar, in safety, not really faced with the danger at first hand that gives us the feeling of missing something. But do we really?
I know, I know. It sounds strange to say so, because I'm not someone who fights dragons and saves the whole planet while making good friends and a love interest along the way. Nevertheless, I do find friends along my way and a pretty good love interest.
The circumstances are different and even if I'm not someone that is chosen to be a hero, I can manage to get my own hero. Right?
I did a good start in becoming a witch. That alone was an adventure that started and needed time to get used to. Funny how, when I think back now, I thought this was a huge mistake and someone made a joke on me. I always read stories about witches and wondered how it might be.
Now that I am one, I can say it feels normal and almost boring now. I hardly ever practice spells because I'm so busy with school work (exam week is coming dangerously closer I have to admit and I don't like that one bit)
Life alone is one big adventure and maybe I just haven't realized that until now?
Or is that just this giddy feeling I have whenever I think back to the Hogsmeade trip. Because Fred Weasley showed an interest and one day, if he still shows interest, this could eventually lead to something more and that alone is a huge adventure in itself.
I mean we talk about Fred Weasley himself. Nothing is safe with him.
Gemma asked me several times if I now will make a move on the boy. It's hard to explain. Yes I'd love to get on another date and Hogwarts has a lot of places to explore, so date opportunities would be granted, however I have the feeling this might be too early.
Call me crazy, though we are still young and have a whole lifespan ahead of us and if these feelings are somewhat true, then they will still be there when the time is right.
And right now it isn't. Especially because the twins seem to avoid us recently. Maybe he is still sulky because I just left him standing. Who knows?
Jean lets out a yawn and rubs her eyes. Placing the glasses aside she settles more back into her pillows. She has been reading since hours now and the book does give her comfort in times she didn't expected something would.
The woman remembers when she brought home her first boyfriend. She got to know Damion in Hogwarts and both got close over the school year which led to them hanging out after classes, studying together or sneaking off into hidden spots the castle could offer.
She decided to invite him with her to the Weasley-Potter Christmas celebration. They weren't dating for long yet, but most of her cousins knew him already through school and so Jean didn't think there would be much of a problem.
At first it really didn't look like it. Her father made some jokes about how he better treat Jean right and Jade welcomed him with a lovingly hug. Though soon the interrogation of the other adults started and Jean had to drag Damion away from her family. With an apologetic look she disappeared with him in the old room of her father and uncle to give him some peace of the madness below.
Damion took it with a laugh and shrugged it off. He could understand and Jean was happy about that, because with this huge family matters wouldn't change soon. Still she was a bit embarrassed at how her family acted. She felt even more embarrassed when her uncle burst into the room when her and Damion just got comfortable in making out.
Of course George wouldn't live that down and would tease her endlessly. He couldn't keep his mouth shut and soon everyone knew about it. Jean knows his intentions were genially funny nature, but his action caused quite a stir. Fred was soon protective of his little daughter and forbid her and Damion even to touch hands.
Her father never said it directly but oh how he found ways to let them know. He would suddenly sit between them two. Then he would give both of them chores to do, tried to occupy one into a conversation or give them something to do when it looks like they are getting comfortable again.
Basically Fred Weasley turned into his own mother Molly.
Now Jean can laugh about it, but she really did find it annoying back then. As if he and her mother never made out. She knows for a reason they at least had to make out once otherwise she wouldn't exist, so she never got the sudden protective urge of her father.
He did go so far to give James Sirius the duty to look out for Jean whenever she's with Damion and especially when she tried to sneak off with him again. Somehow that annoying git of a cousin always managed to find them and had the fun of his whole existence to separate them. No matter where they went. He even found them in the room of requirement.
Turns out he had the Marauders Map the whole damn time and used it wisely to his advantage.
Jean even wrote letters home to her mother to ask her for advice on what she shall do. She was older than Jade and Fred when they got together, her mother would hopefully be the voice of reason on this matter and make her father stop.
However, Jade's only advice for Jean was to give it time. To not rush things. Jean hardly talked about Damion in her letters home and already brought him home to Christmas, which was fine by her, but gave Fred a lot of suspicion when he heard that Damion was 'all over' his little girl. Jean needs to see this side. She shouldn't rush and push this relationship too fast, put a foot on the breaks and if Damion really is the right one he will understand and takes the speed change with her.
Jean appreciated the advice, because Damion clearly wasn't ready to take the speed change. He would get fed up about her lack of commitment for this relationship. He would try to pressure her too much and he even managed to guilt trap her for something she was in the right.
Her cousins soon found out and Damion got a handful to do with her family from then on. Rose beat him up nastily and she served two months' worth of detention for that one. Victorie and Dominique helped her to see clearly again and tried to show her what really went wrong and the boys had fun using the map differently now.
In the end she was happy her whole family looked out for her even if she couldn't see it at the beginning. And now she knows why her mother was so persistent on letting her find out herself and not to get involved too much. You have to realize what's going on. If others tell you there is a huge chance of you not believing them.
Sad but true.
Putting the glasses back on Jean keeps reading. She still has a lot to go through.

LILAC (Fred Weasley)
Fanfiction~He was red and I was blue and together we created a lilac sky~