„Dear Diary,
I should stop saying I will write more frequently, if I am not even in the slightest going to do that. You deserve better. Hopefully I will manage that from now on.
Gemma and I are now at a stage in our friendship were we tell each other deep secrets. It was yesterday when we found out we can do that now. She is such a good friend. When I told her about you, she understood and thought it was a good idea. She didn't even laugh!!! She is everything that describes something good! That is Gemma!
I love her. A lot. I hope she knows that.
She also told me a secret of hers, but I am not going to tell you, because then I would break her trust and I am not doing that. If you would tell me a secret, I wouldn't tell too. See? I am reliable.
Unfortunately, Sean has some problems with his friends. He seems a bit down since some time because of a fight they had. I hope we are able to cheer him up with some cake from the kitchens. I found a way how to get into there. Lee will be furious when he realizes that I managed to find something before them.
They aren't the only ones who can find cool stuff.
So next time I will take them on an adventure.
The twins have won the reputation of the biggest troublemakers, not even Louis can get near them (and he tried, much to his distress didn't quite manage it), but they still have some secret enemy that gives them hell.
I wonder how their faces will look like, once they find out it is actually me?
No one suspects me, the only one knowing is Gemma and she is a really good secret keeper for that matter. I am just not allowed to pull her into this stuff. :D
Professors still are in the believe it is actually the twins.
Villain Outfit here I come... chachacha... *bad music in the background*
Since the end is getting nearer and nearer of this school year, I want to try something new and make new experiences. This will be fun. I will sign up for the art classes. Maybe I can improve so much more and learn technique. I really love drawing. It is so soothing.
Jean places the book down and stretches herself. She unwarps herself from all the blankets she put around herself and stands up. Walking over to her office she switches on the lights and stares at the pictures on the walls that are from Jade. She loved to draw and did it until the last years of her life. She also loved to gift them others.
Looking at the pictures for a moment Jean moves over to a drawer to take out a photo book. The pictures in there are moving. One of these pictures shows Jean with her former boyfriend for a ball. Jean immediately has to laugh; she never knew that the dress she got for that ball was based on the designs of her mother's villain dresses.
Finally, Fred's comments about her looking bad and evil make sense. She turns the pages until she finds a picture of her with Gemma and Sean. She still was a baby, but she looks up interested at Gemma's face. Gemma still shaved her hair and Sean really did look like a model. Jade didn't exaggerate when she described her best friends.
Gemma really is everything good. Jean also loves her Godmother to pieces and visits her often in the home for elderly wizards and witches. They love to play cards together. The most fun is it when Lee shows up as well and plays pranks at the assistants.
Jean can see why her mother got so close with all of them, they were a wonderful bunch of people. Speaking of the devil she finds a picture of her as a baby with Lee. Lee was supposed to look after her and to mess with her parents a bit, he made pictures with her on very odd places. Such as putting her into a cooking pot or placing her into the washing machine. Not to mention the famous picture of them both sitting on a railing and looking at a river.
When Fred got the picture it gave him a heart attack and he wanted to get home as quickly as possible. Jade had to talk him out of it. Claiming that George is there as well to look out. That leads Jean to the next picture where she sits with her uncle George on a blanket outside the Burrow with chocolate ice cream all over her and George, both laughing and smiling widely.
Or the picture where George gets out sweets of his hole in his ear making Jean cry and Molly scold him in the back. Grandma Molly, such a wonderful woman. Jean pulls the book close and hugs it tightly letting go some tears of happiness. She is sad but moreover happy that she was able to experience all these moments with her family and friends.
And she has a lot of family, that's for sure.
Jean pulls her glasses of her face and wipes them off her sweater, she accidently teared on them. Taking a deep breath, she takes the photo book with her back into her room and grabs the tea again. Jean keeps reading for a while.

LILAC (Fred Weasley)
Fanfiction~He was red and I was blue and together we created a lilac sky~