„Dear Diary,
The business trip wasn't as bad as predicted. I actually enjoyed myself in America. We did some sightseeing as well and I tried to draw as much as I was able to do in my free time. The buildings in New York are perfect motives to draw and there are so many people around they usually don't even realize that I target them.
I have drawn so many different people in my time there. New York really is a strange place. So many people of all cultural backgrounds and still there are some who think they are superior.
One good thing is, that you don't really see that my Dad is a Latino. Business men regularly meet him therefore with the same standard as they meet other 'white' business men. Though every time they hear his name, they mannerism falters a bit.
I asked Dad what would happen if he ever used a fake name, for example Louis' name. He thinks nothing would really change, but I am actually convinced that he would get deals way easier. I am sick of those prejudices that come from nowhere.
Especially American's aren't in the situation to judge. They invaded a land. They were the foreigners in first place?
English people aren't anything better though sometimes. Everything around that matter is just childish.
Sean recently wrote me a letter and invited me over to them for the last week of summer holidays. Which is great, since then my parents don't have to deal with Diagon Alley and the Olsen's can drop me off at the train station.
Not to mention that I get to see my favourite people one week earlier.
Oh before I forget the best part. Fred and George got into huge trouble at home. They got Harry out of the house of his aunt and uncle with a flying car. But I'm not allowed to tell anyone about the car. It is forbidden to place magical spells and usage on muggle objects and it's more than ironic that their father is the one who owns a magical car. His father. The one who made the law in first place.
Everything went well though. They got Harry safely to the Burrow (That's how they call their home, I find that so sweet actually) and no one saw them flying the car. Just that Molly, their mother, wasn't as happy to find out what they did.
The one who didn't have any clue that was going on was the man himself and their younger sister Ginny. She was majorly surprised to find Harry at their table. Fred told me about her crush on Harry and meanwhile I find it more than cute and reminding of myself, their teasing goes way out of hand.
Just imagine to wake up and suddenly your crush is sitting on your kitchen table. No way you would react normally.
I'm curious to how Ginny is, she starts Hogwarts this year.
Although Fred and I wrote a lot this summer and about his family, it just isn't the same as meeting them.
You could say I have an advantage. I met most of his family members in Hogwarts while he hasn't even seen one of mine yet.

LILAC (Fred Weasley)
Fanfiction~He was red and I was blue and together we created a lilac sky~