Chapter 07

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„Dear Diary,

I can't believe I haven't written to you again for so looooong. I really need to get my shit together.

BUUUUT there is something exciting I need to tell you. Today as I sat in the library (I was actually there to get some work done) I doodled on a random piece of paper. Like not even anything good, just something basic.

Then suddenly a red head sat opposite of me. At first I was confused, because a Weasley twin would never go to the library out of free will. Still there was one sitting in front of me, looking very content and relaxed. I raised an eyebrow at him. More because I didn't know who it was and I was getting my hopes up it will be Fred.

And it was Fred!!! Can you imagine? But not only did we have like our first conversation in private just the two of us, no he even complimented my drawing!! I am so happy right now. I can't stop smiling at all!! AHHHH

But wait that wasn't the only cool thing to happen: A week ago was the day I finally kicked this Louis guy in his balls. Jep, if you heard a rumour about it, that was me. And I am more than proud to tell you that he even sunk to his knees.

My kick is pretty good.

The best thing? We got friends afterwards. He is a really cool guy, once you get to know him.

Sean just shook his head in disbelief as I told him at dinner. I can't really believe it myself. I mean people laughed at him and I expected Louis to get all mean about it, but he shook it off and we somehow got friends. That wasn't planned at all, I have to admit.

Gemma didn't think at first too that Louis actually was okay. However, once he realized that Gemma is just very nervous around new people he changed his manner towards her and she realized that he actually can be nice. He also complimented Sean on his soccer skills, when I invited him to some soccer with us. :)

Louis is more of a Quidditch guy though. He wants to be at the Slytherin house team if he ever is good enough for a spot.

Do you know who too wants a spot on his house team?

Fred :)



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