Jean was speechless. She couldn't believe her eyes and read the last diary entry again. Her father hitting someone almost unconscious? The man who usually just brought laughter and joy to other people? Jean sits up and laughs. It is too bizarre to think about.
She is more than intrigued at how the detention turned out between her parents. She knows that everything turned out fine in the end somehow, otherwise she would never exist in first place. However, what she doesn't know is, how long her parents fought one another.
At least she finally knows now from which parent she got being petty from. Many things make sense now. Furthermore, it brings out questions if jealously played still a role later in their relationship. Jean couldn't recall a moment when she was with her parents where they showed jealousy or that they fought. Though she was still a child and her parents could have hidden such things for her and pulled themselves together. What happened behind her back, she couldn't know.
"Dear Diary,
As you can tell I have nosy friends who want to know everything.
People claim I am just as nosy, but that's different because all I do is care for them. Nothing more.
Don't you dare say something else now.
And yes, you are right with your prediction that the Great Hall broke out into chatter everywhere once Kenneth came into the Hall this morning.
He looks bad. His face equals a battlefield. His eye is swollen and blue, a shade of violet in it, his nose got mended by Pomfrey yesterday night, but you can still see the fade of where it broke, he's got a cut at his forehead that busted open yesterday just as the cut on his swollen lip and overall he looks tired.
He spend the night in the Hospital Wing, where Pomfrey could keep an eye on him and I stayed as long as possible with him. After all I felt guilty. In a way I brought him into that situation, which wasn't my intention to begin with. I somehow need to med my guilt that keeps rising inside of me.
Everyone wanted to know what happened. They turned to his friends or me. They kept referring to me as 'his girlfriend', a statement that I was quick to dismiss every time. I'm not Kenneth's girlfriend and I refuse to be titled as someone's. I am Jade.
Apart from I that, I don't know where they got the idea from that Kenneth and I would be an official thing. We aren't and I hope he sees it that way as well. We are something- but nothing official.
I refused to tell anyone what had happened, besides my friends. Gemma already knew. I told her first thing when I got into the dorm yesterday. Sean was so mad at Fred for beating his friend up and Louis was overly excited.
I swear, they will be the death of me one day.
I was seated so I could watch the Gryffindor table and see what was going on. Fred's friends kept throwing glances down the table to Kenneth, who was eating his breakfast with a painful expression. Angelina kept talking to Fred and it looks like she tries to knock some sense into him.
The whole time Angelina talks at him he keeps his head down. George next to him tried to calm Angelina, at least it looked like that at the way he gestures. I started to feel for Fred when Wood approaches him and pointed at the simply bandaged hand from him. I am sure he lectured him because of Quidditch.

LILAC (Fred Weasley)
Fanfiction~He was red and I was blue and together we created a lilac sky~