„Dear Diary,
Detention was awkward for two reasons.
First, mine was located in the boys' bathroom. I needed to clean it per hand, which honestly isn't that much of trouble, though I never stepped a foot into the main boys' bathroom of the school.
Second reason was that Fred Weasley sneaked out after curfew and decided to pay me a visit. I have no idea how he managed to make me out that fast. His definition of his visit was that he wanted to take a shower, though you don't take the main bathroom for that, you simply take the one in your house.
I believed he either wanted to tease me or try to talk me out of my date.
I hate to admit it, but I wish he would have tried either of the two. Because that meant terms between us were good again. Instead he took a cloth and helped me cleaning up the bathroom?
I was confused at his action. Moreover, because it made less sense than anything else he could have done in there. (or with me)
"What are you doing?," I look at his figure towering over the buckets of clean water.
"What does it look like to you," he grabs a cloth and puts it into the water: "I'm helping you cleaning."
Fred makes his way over to one of the showers and starts to rub it carefully. For a moment I forget what I did previously. I give my attention back to the sinks.
"Why? Why are you helping me?"
"Because you did nothing wrong to serve detention. You just had the back of a friend."
"Then you should help Gemma and not me. She was the one being punished for nothing," I focus onto a dirty spot.
"In my opinion she talked back to the professor. She made a mishap, you just tried to help."
"She didn't make a mishap. She stated her mind, something she has the right to do," I state.
"Gemma did snap at the professor though and she had every right to call out a detention for that. I need to know. I got many for talking back. You are just being dramatic about the tiniest things," the boy sighs and wrenches out the cloth.
"Oh, now I am dramatic? Says the right one. Who makes a huge thing out of something minor?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh I don't know, maybe about tomorrow and the fact you behave like a child, not to mention your brother, about the fact that I simply meet up with Kenneth," I shake my head a bit.
"Simply meet up with Kenneth?," Fred voice grows tensed and I can hear water splashing behind me: "Oh please, we both know that isn't just meeting up with him. That what you and him are doing is called a date."
"And? What if it is called a date? It is nothing major."
"Right. So how would you feel if I decided to ask someone else out instead of you?"
I focus on the other sink, not answering.
"There you have it," he breathes out.
"Those are two different things," I manage to get out.
"Two different things? Really?," now I can hear him throwing the piece of cloth to the ground.
"Yes. Yours would have meant that your plan on showing me the real Fred had changed."
"Right because yours definitely doesn't mean that at all."
I turn around to face him, annoyed at his tone and stupid behaviour:" No it doesn't. I gave you enough signals to get a move. Not my fault you didn't take the hint."
He stares at me with a strange intensity, his nostrils are flaring: "And I would have done so, if your stupid ego of yours didn't get into your way."
"My ego? MY EGO? Are you for real now?," I point at myself.
"Don't play the victim. We both know you tend to overreact with the bad temper of yours."
"Oh, demonios, no, esto termina ahora," I snap at him.
"Can you shut up with your lapsing for once. We speak English here," he crosses his arms in front of his chest.
I'm angry. Angrier at him than I imagined myself could be. I toss my cloth into the sink and cross to room to stand in front of him.
"Don't you dare to address my temper now. Last time I checked you liked it," I stare sternly up at him:" Just because you are angry at yourself, you don't need to let it all out on me."
His expression is hard as well:" How on earth am I angry at myself? I did nothing wrong here. You are the one going behind my back and snogging other boys."
"Snogging? Sí, bueno, que te jodan," I give him my middle finger.
"You don't even deny it in any way," he gets angrier at me.
"Because I don't need to! We aren't even together. You have no right into claiming what I am doing! If I kiss other guys that's my business and not yours, because we are not together and by the look of it you and me won't ever happen so soon," I get angrier too.
"That's usually what a slut would say," he spats at me.
Immediately my hand lashes out and I slap him. For a moment I'm taken aback. My breath is uneven and I stare at him with a mixture of pure hatred and shock for the boy in front of me. When did we become like this?
Fred doesn't do anything at first. Then he nods to himself.
"Fair enough. I guess that's it then," he turns around and leaves the room without another word.
I stand there for minutes, not able to react. What the hell just happened?
Honestly, I never imagined either of us saying such things to the other. I'm still angry as I'm writing this and I am even more pissed at myself for wanting it to be fine, to reach out to him and tell him I'm sorry.
I don't want to give in that easily and I won't.
After I was finally finished with the bathroom, I looked for Gemma. She still was occupied with cleaning the telescopes on the Astronomy Tower.
I was so pissed that I wanted to give the twins even more a reason to feel like shit. So instead of helping Gemma cleaning the telescopes, I tried to charm the stairs.
I didn't manage that and now there will just come down a shower of water when you stand on the last step.
Either way, that could work as a prank and in my state of being irrational, I doodled a symbol into the ground and left.
The bad thing, I can't remember what exactly I drew there.
Hopefully something good.

LILAC (Fred Weasley)
Fanfiction~He was red and I was blue and together we created a lilac sky~