„Dear Diary,
Kenneth Towler in fact isn't that bad of a kisser.
Who would have guessed?
Maybe my actions were influenced by some feelings. Unfortunately, not feelings Kenneth gives me.
My anger turned into being hurt. After the first wave of aggression calmed down yesterday evening, I started to realize what that argument meant. How Fred somehow sees me. As nothing other than a slut.
Ironic. He's one big slut too, because he flirts like there is no tomorrow with other girls sometimes and I never once thought bad of him because of that.
Not my best work to compensate the fact I am seen as a slut by someone with making out with someone else. Not proud of that, I have to admit.
It wasn't just that particular moment today; the whole day was weird throughout.
When I walk down the stairs to the carriages Kenneth already awaits me. He immediately smiles at the sight of me.
"Morning, I hope you slept well," he starts to fall into a walk beside me.
"Can't complain," I answer shortly, having hid the bags under my eyes with a pretty good make-up charm.
"I have a few things planned for today, so you won't regret saying yes to me," the boy continues: " I don't know if you know, but I'm so happy you are here."
"Oh I know and the whole castle too," I say.
Kenneth laughs nervously beside me. I look at him with a slight smile too.
"Sorry, I maybe got carried away a bit. I just didn't think you'd say yes to me. To me out of all people."
He opens a carriage door for me and gets in after me, settling himself in front of me.
"Why wouldn't I?," I ask surprised.
"There are so many boys that you give more attention than me anyways. Also there was this date with George Weasley last year and we all thought you had something going on and well I'm just unordinary me. You stopped hanging around with us some time ago and instead you got yourself all those other cool students, beside your usual friends," he gets a bit red while saying that.
"You are worth attention as well, just so you know. I just never gotten around to meet you properly enough. It had nothing to do with you or anyone else out of Sean's friends that I stopped hanging around, I just made my own friend group at that time and the interests divided themselves," I look out of the window: "Also George and I went as friends. We made more a joke out of that whole Hogsmeade thing."
At least that's the version George, Fred and I agreed on telling others. We will stand by that. No one needs to know right now that it was actually Fred, who switched with George to pretend to be him to go out with me.
I really don't get why I am still helping him now to keep his reputation after the fight yesterday.
"Oh, good for me then," the boy says.
It is awkwardly quiet in the carriage. Kenneth looks around, at his fingers, at the door, at the wall, sometimes at me, only to get flustered and looking away again. This will be a long day. Maybe I can convince Gemma to hurt herself so I have to rush her to the Hospital Wing. Is that a legit reason to abandoned someone?

LILAC (Fred Weasley)
Fanfiction~He was red and I was blue and together we created a lilac sky~