Jean closes the book on the first few days of being back home. She yawns again and places the book aside. Checking if she locked everything properly and making herself ready for bed she returns to the warmth and safety of her many blankets and cuddles into them.
Even though she is tired, sleep won't come over her. She turns a few times, even starts to count sheep, mentally telling herself that she is tired, nothing helped. In the end she lays there with open eyes and stares at the ceiling.
Determined to at least use her time wisely she grabs the book again and switches on the lights. Her eyes need time to get used to the brightness and she has to blink a few times. She reaches around for her glasses. Glasses she got with none other than her favourite aunts Ginny and Hermione.
Hermione dragged her to the appointment and talked about how important good glasses are when you needed them, boring her through the process. However, Ginny seemed to have the time of her life in that store. She tried on every pair of glasses and drove the assistant insane. Soon Jean joined her and because of them playing around she found her first pair of glasses.
Hermione didn't approve of their tactics and lectured them about their missbehaviour, but Ginny and Jean couldn't care less. Soon Jean would get herself matching glasses with her aunt, even though Ginny didn't really need them. Another point Hermione wasn't happy about.
This day was the day full of doctor appointments. Hermione even dragged both of them to her parents to get their teeth checked. Hermione managed to reverse her spell she practiced on them a few years prior to save them and the Grangers came back to England, happy and relieved about their daughter's safety.
Till this day Hermione claims she couldn't have done it without uncle Ron on her side. He traveled with her to Australia to search for her parents. When they finally found them, he was to one to reverse the spell. Hermione was too anxious and overwhelmed.
Again, someone who was the happiest about that, was Arthur Weasley. He could talk with them endlessly about the Australian muggle culture. Jean unwillingly has to think about the times when Arthur met her other grandparents. The mother and father of Jade. It was always sweet how excited he was to talk with them about Spanish culture.
If Jean remembers correctly, he even worked out a sheet for the different muggle cultures.
What a sweet man he was.
"Dear Diary,
Guzman keeps pestering me about my owl. He desperately wants to send an owl to one of my friends. He thinks that way of writing is way cooler than the normal post. (and he is right about that)
Good thing I haven't told him that an owl will always find the person you addressed the letter to, if the person allows you to of course.
He still is in the belief he needs to know exactly where the person, he wants to write to, lives.
I'm not letting him write a letter to one of MY friends. I get his point that writing with owls is cool, but I have the feeling he will do something embarrassing for me. I'm not trusting him with that.
My father is dragging me along this summer to one of his business trips and I'm not so sure about that. I'm not really interested in his work at celling furniture if I'm honest, still I don't want to hurt him in simply saying no. Maybe I can convince him for me to bring a friend along to his trip, so he has double the amount of help.
Or do you believe he will be sad as well if I ask to bring a friend along? Guzman already declined him, saying he left with him for the Easter Holidays, so he definitely isn't an option.
And Mum is dragging me into as much housework as possible. I'm back one week and already have enough of doing the laundry. I bet she waited with the last few weeks' clothes for me to deal with.
She claims with fourteen she had to do much more. Well there is just one difference between her and me, I was the one gone to a boarding school almost all year, except Christmas, and she was homeschooled. She wasn't bombarded with tones of housework once she got back with the hope to get some rest.
Her views to me being able to practice magic changed a bit. I think she believes that I can do everything with a flick of my wand when I am at Hogwarts. She hardly listens when I try to explain to her that there is so much more behind being a witch than just flicking a wooden stick.
Guess where I am sitting now? Inside my closet, hiding from my mother and father. If my mother finds me, she will have another chore for me to do and my Dad would want to talk about his wonderful trip.
It's the best for me to stay hidden and out of sight.
Nooo there is a tap on the window currently. Someone send me an owl. If I don't move out of the closet, it will fly downstairs and Guzman will get the letter and an owl then. If I get out of the closet though, there is huge chance of them finding me.
I have to take the risk.
HAHA, you won't believe who wrote to me. Fred.
His words are: "Just checking if the signals are still mixed"
I need to come up with a good response to that one.

LILAC (Fred Weasley)
Fanfiction~He was red and I was blue and together we created a lilac sky~