„Dear Diary,
The rumours about the Chamber of Secrets are now officially replaced by the new symbol of the secret pranker. Turns out I drew a bleeding crown or is it a crying crown? God knows what.
It gave me the reaction I wanted. The twins were pissed under their smiles and immediately made a mediocre prank. Not their best work to steal Filch's chains and chain the moving stairs together.
Louis happened to be on one of the chained together stairs when they tried to move and was unable to get down. The more they couldn't move the angrier the stairs got.
The boy hoped he wouldn't hurt himself while standing on them. He has his Quidditch match against Gryffindor soon and wants to train as much as possible.
In my opinion he is the only one in the team with real talent. If that game happened two weeks ago, I wouldn't know which team to cheer on, since on both teams are one of my friends. Now it's a made up thing. Louis will get the support all the way.
Fred's mood turned out to be more sour after the weekend. When he looks at me I can feel the resentment in his eyes and I try my best to avoid him as well. Every time when I look at him I can feel myself missing something and I don't want to get weak.
The only thing currently that helps me to get off my mind and deal with things is drawing. I'm doing it more often than usual and I always run around with some pens and my notebook.
If someone would open that bloody thing they would see a lot of Gemma's in there. She is a great motive to draw, she never moves when she studies and I can take my time in drawing her. Compared to the first time I drew her; this here now is pretty good actually.
I also asked Sean, as a kind of ice breaker between us, if I could draw him as well again for a new style. He just shrugged and told me I can do whatever I want, but he still didn't spill what's going on.
And no one can convince me, that this is puberty.
I have to approach him differently about his problem.

LILAC (Fred Weasley)
Fanfiction~He was red and I was blue and together we created a lilac sky~