"Dear Diary,
I have a confession to make:
I really love spending time with Fred, George and Lee. Even though Gemma has mixed and different feelings about them (usually because they make her nervous and stressed), I just have to bring her along to the fun.
Since the day on the train, where I searched for them just to congratulate them on their successful prank, we kind of got friends along that way. :D It is awesome to have such crazy friends.
Don't get me wrong I love Gemma and Sean, but they just aren't as reckless as those three.
And not only one confession. I have another one too:
I kind of find the twins cute. Okay not both of them because that is weird. I know they have the same face, so I guess it makes sense to find both cute, but actually one of them has a really charming smile.
OH BOOK, sometimes I find myself looking for him in the Great Hall and I hope he looks back!
The problem is, I just never know who is who, so I actually hope one of them looks and I can at least do so as if it was him?
Okay the third confession that I am making has to stay between us, promised?
So, the twin that is kind of cute is Fred. I don't know why. It's just he always makes me laugh and then he looks at me and then I almost have to snort (I do the thing when I laugh to heavily, I just start to snort. I hate that)
George just makes me laugh. He is amazing too, really, but I don't know. He just isn't Fred. I can't explain it.
Please don't tell anyone about this! I would die if someone did find out!
Next confession (UHHH I have so much going on, this is exciting!)
Yesterday I planned a prank on my own and it was so successful that even Peeves was pissed. Filch was blaming George and Fred, both of them declined by saying they wished they would have come up with that. They are still searching for who did it.
They even suspected Louis Simpson. You know the guy that is really an arse. Like a big idiot. (Don't tell my Ma I said that) Because he is up to trouble all the time too.
I kind of like how they haven't figured out that it is me and that no one else is suspecting me!
MUahahahah, maybe I will be the next evil genius and take world lead? Muahahah
Just in case I will draw some villain outfits for me, I need to look good while taking the lead.
You are a true friend!
Jean has to smile about the craziness her mother had. She knew about the pranks her father and uncle did in their time, she also knew that her mother did pranks herself, but what she never realized until now, is that her mother actually was some kind of rival for his father. That her mother could be a big troublemaker herself. On the following pages are some of the pranks she planned out and tried to take action on and some of them are very mean and surprising. Even better that no one suspected her at all.
Here and there a laugh escapes Jean and sometimes she has to snort too. That laugh she inherited from Jade and she hates it as much as her mother did. Though reading that her Dad could willingly bring that snort out makes their story so much more special.
Jean wishes she will find someone who makes her snort comfortably as her Mum could in front of her father. It is sweet to see the start of something as long lasting as the relationship of her parents. Jade only was in second grade when she started to find him cute. Yes, finding someone cute isn't equivalent to loving someone deeply, but it's a childish start that could blossom into something serious.
And it did blossom.
LILAC (Fred Weasley)
Fanfiction~He was red and I was blue and together we created a lilac sky~