Chapter 13

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„Dear Diary,

It's official. I suck at quidditch.

Davis, a good chaser, told me to just let it be before I hurt someone majorly.

I already apologized to Terry, don't worry. He was training when my Quaffle hit him directly in the face. I tried to hit the other way. But luckily I haven't told anyone.

I did what Davis suggested and stopped training. I apologized for ruining their time, but he just shrugged it off. He said that not everyone can be good at everything and that there was nothing to worry about. He was in the same belief that if you never try it, you will never know what could be.

I like Davis. He has the right mindset and patience.

He definitely could be a good quidditch captain one day, he would have what it takes.

When I sat outside at the lake with Louis and Gemma later to simply have some time off, the twins came around with Lee.

"Really that bad?," Louis looks down at me.

He has his arm around my shoulder and I am cuddled into his side, shielding myself from the wind that blows today. I'm still a bit cold from being up in the air for so long. Gemma sits in the grass and plays with some bundles.

For someone who claims to don't know anything about quidditch she awfully, AWFULLY, commented on the lack of my skills and what I could have done better. When I snapped at her, that she should play if she knows it that much better, she went quiet and diverted her attention at the grass.

"I was a disaster up there," I groan and bury my head into his shoulder.

"Well good for me, if I should ever end up in my quidditch team. I at least don't have to play against a friend," he pats my back a bit.

"With the temper of yours they should have let you kick blugers," Gemma mutters.

"Oh now she decided to speak up again hu?," I look at her daringly.

"Look, I am a natural smartass, but that doesn't mean that I would be good at quidditch and before you say something again, I won't try it just to find out. I have too much to do with studying and there are too many risks to make myself a laughing stick. Maybe you can deal with it, but I can't. So please stop trying to push me."

"I'm sorry if I pushed you too much. I won't bring quidditch up ever again."

"A shame, because I heard the Gryffindor team has some good looking beaters," Fred sits down beside me, eying the constellation of me and Louis a bit suspiciously.

"If that ain't the truth," Louis laughs.

"Idiot," I mumble, laughing as well.

"What are you doing here? I thought you have practice now?," Gemma looks over to George.

"Yes, but Oliver is a pain in the arse and we need some time before we can face him," he sighs.

"Why are you even coming with them?," I sit up and let go of Louis and look at Lee.

With a grin he pulls out a ball again and shows us to be quiet before letting it disappear again.

"Can I come with you?," Louis has developed a big interest in the pranks of the twins.

"Come on," Lee points into the direction of the stadium.

Louis jumps up and goes with Lee leaving me and Fred alone on the bench.

"How was quidditch training?," George asks.

Gemma immediately laughs and shows him a negative gesture.

"No way, our Jade, not having the skills? Was it the temper?," the boy grins.

"Why is everyone talking about my temper? Váyanse a la mierda!," I throw my hands in the air.

"I wonder how everyone thinks of a temper," Fred speaks up and remakes my Spanish.

I shove him of the bench annoyed making us all laugh.

"We should go before her temper will kill us," Fred makes a roll and stands on his feet again.

I look at him annoyed and he throws me a kiss. I take in a deep breath. Just don't let him see how much influence he has on you. Keep looking annoyed.

"You need to catch the kiss," he says.


He signals me to catch it.

"Fine," I catch it and throw it away making him gasp.

"Better give me a real one that counts before throwing such a shit," I shrug.

It is quiet. I would panic, but then I saw the pinkish shade on his cheeks and I have to smirk.

Take that you tease.

After that Gemma wanted to know what that all was about. I still haven't told her about my crush on Fred. Everyone would make a way bigger deal out of it than it actually is.

However, at dinner he didn't look in my direction like he usually did sometimes. I think I left some impression on him.

Did my temper bring me into trouble again?



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