„Dear Diary,
Sorry for not writing for sooo long. It is almost end of the school. I haven't got the time to write to you.
I try to write more frequently, promised.
Anyways, this school year was funny and so different than muggle schools. Gemma is so smart. She currently holds the record of being the top of class and I always ask her for help if I need it. Also I learned that even older Ravenclaws have trouble not getting into the common room.
The coolest thing?
Yesterday I helped a third year to get into the room, because I already knew the riddle. I felt so cool!!!
Sean and I are getting along so well. He really loves animals and he even has pictures of certain magical creatures he would like to see in real life once. I did some research and I was drawing him some pictures of his favourite animals. They don't move like the wizard pictures, but he loved them very much and even put them on his wall in his dorm.
He always compliments my art and that is so nice of him, even when my art doesn't look as good. Also he knows how to play soccer and he taught us just recently. Gemma, Sean, Kenneth (a friend of his) and I had a lot of fun playing on the fields. Even some students stopped by to watch us play.
Including those twins and one of their brothers. (They in fact have a lot of brothers in this school I realized.) Their brother ( Charlie I think was his name) decided to play with us and learn this sport and soon others wanted to play too. I guess Charlie is one of the cool kids?
He and Sean soon settled to talk about Dragons. It was nice of Charlie to talk with him about animals.
Fred and George also made us laugh that day. They pranked that boy that made fun of me in the boat and it was so funny!
Soon are my exams, wish me luck, this will be tough!
Hopefully soon,

LILAC (Fred Weasley)
Fanfiction~He was red and I was blue and together we created a lilac sky~